Bulk Data Entry Defines the default properties of all contacts and sets parameters that affect all contacts.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
CONTPRM | GPAD | 0.5 | STIFF | AUTO | MU1 | 0.3 |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
PARAMi | Parameter name. | |
VALi | Parameter value. |
Parameters for OptiStruct Analysis
Name | Values | SI Unit Example |
GPAD | "Padding" of main or
secondary objects to account for additional layers, such as shell
thickness, and so on. This value is subtracted from contact gap
opening as calculated from location of nodes. 1
(Real) |
STIFF | Relative stiffness of the
contact interface. 2 Positive value (STIFF = Real > 0.0) is directly specified stiffness. Negative value (STIFF = Real < 0.0) defines a stiffness scaling factor. The stiffness scaling factor is equal to |Real < 0.0|. The scaling is applied to the automatic stiffness value (the stiffness value when STIFF = AUTO). Default = AUTO (AUTO, SOFT, HARD, Real > 0.0, or Real < 0.0) |
MU1 | Coefficient of static
friction (
s) 3
4 Default = 0.0 (Real ≥ 0.0 or STICK or FREEZE) |
MU2 | Coefficient of kinetic
friction (
k). Default = MU1 (0.0 < Real < MU1) |
PREPRT | Prints initial contact
conditions (except for MPC-based TIE) into an
ASCII data file. The file name is:
<filename>.cpr. For more information,
refer to .cpr file.
CONTGAP | Creates a Bulk Data file
that contains internally created node-to-surface contact elements
represented as CGAPG elements. The file name is:
filename_root.contgap.fem. 5
CONTGRID | Creates a Bulk Data file
that contains SET's of grids involved with
surface-to-surface contact elements. The file name is:
CONTOUT | Depending on the type of
contact discretization, the following file(s) are created. S2S discretization: Creates a Bulk Data file that contains internally generated Surface-to-Surface Contact elements represented as PLOTEL and RBE3 elements for visualization. The file name is: <filename>.contout.fem. N2N discretization: Creates a Bulk Data file that contains
internally generated Node-to-Node Contact elements represented
JOINTG elements for visualization. The file
name is: <filename>.n2s.fem.
CONTMPC | Outputs internally created
MPC's used to generate TIE
contact. The MPC's are output to:
NONTIED | Controls the output of
grids which are not tied in the TIE or
(TYPE=FREEZE) interfaces.
TIE | Indicates the type of
contact formulation that is used when the TIE Bulk Data Entry is present in
the model.
CORIENT | Indicates whether the main
orientation field MORIENT on the
CONTACT card applies to all surfaces or if it
excludes solid elements.
SFPRPEN | Indicates whether initial
pre-penetrations are recognized and resolved in self-contact areas.
(This only affects self-contact areas, wherein Main and Secondary
belong to the same set or surface).
FRICESL | Frictional elastic slip -
distance of sliding up to which the frictional transverse force
increases linearly with slip distance. Specified in physical
distance units (similar to U0 and
GPAD). Refer to Friction in the User Guide.
ADJGRID | Creates a Bulk Data file
that contains contact grid SET's. The coordinates
of these grids are adjusted (ADJUST), and a Bulk Data file that
contains new coordinates of these contact grids after adjustment is
also created. The file names are:
filename_root.adjgset.fem and
filename_root.adjgcrd.fem. For N2N
contact, the file names are:
filename_root.n2n.adjgset.fem and
Additionally, the maximum adjusted distance is available in the
.out file.
DISCRET | Contact discretization
approach for all the
CONTACT/TIE entries which
do not have an explicit DISCRET specification.
LSLDCLR | Indicates whether
CLEARANCE is allowed for finite/continuous
contact with large displacement analysis.
TUNESTF | Controls activation of
Adaptive Contact Penalty. Automatic tuning of contact penalty for
implicit nonlinear analysis. 6
STABILIZ | Controls activation of
adaptive contact stabilization.
If CONTPRM,STABILIZ,ADAPTIVE parameter is not present, then adaptive contact stabilization is not activated. No default |
MAXPNTR | Coefficient to decide the
maximum allowed penetration for adaptive contact penalty. 7
Default = 0.001 (Real > 0.0) |
KA0TUNE | Coefficient to decide the
initial trial penalty for adaptive contact penalty. 8 Default = 1.0 (Real > 0.0) |
KTLIN | Controls the tangential
stiffness KT for closed contact in linear
analysis when STIFF = Real > 0.0 and
MU1 = Real > 0.0 on PCONT
referenced by the contact.
(Integer) |
Parameters for Explicit Dynamic Analysis via Radioss Integration (ANALYSIS = EXPDYN)
Name | Values | SI Unit Example |
STFAC | Interface stiffness scale
factor. Default = 1.0 in implicit analysis Default = 0.1 in explicit analysis (Real ≥ 0) |
FRIC | Coulomb
friction. Default = 0.0 (Real ≥ 0) |
GAP | Gap for impact activation.
11 (Real ≥ 0) |
IDEL | Node and segment deletion flag.
(Integer) |
INACTI | Handling of initial
penetrations flag. 13 Default as defined by
CONTPRM (Integer = 0, … , 5)
Valid in explicit analysis: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 5. Valid in implicit analysis: 0, 3 and 4. Invalid entries are ignored. |
CORIENT | Indicates whether the main
orientation field MORIENT on the
CONTACT card applies to all surfaces, or if
it excludes solid elements.
IFRIC | Friction formulation flag.
In implicit computation, only IFRIC = COUL is implemented. (Character) |
IFILTR | Friction filtering flag.
(Character) |
FFAC | Filtering coefficient
(Only with IFILT ≠ NO). (0.0 < Real < 1.0) |
IFORM | Friction penalty
formulation type. 16
(Character) |
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 | Friction law
coefficients. (Real > 0) |
IGNORE | Flag to ignore secondary
nodes if no main segment is found for TIE
contact. 18
(Integer) |
MTET10 | Flag for second order
CTETRA as contact main surface.
(Integer) |
ISYM | Symmetric contact flag.
If SSID defines a grid set, the contact is always a main-secondary contact. (Character) |
IEDGE | Flag for edge generation
from secondary and main surfaces.
(Character) |
FANG | Feature angle for edge
generation in degrees (Only with IEDGE = FEAT). Default = 91.0 (Real ≥ 0) |
IGAP | Gap definition flag.
(Character) |
ISTF | Stiffness definition flag.
(Integer) |
STIF1 | Interface stiffness (Only
with ISTF = 1). Default = 0.0 (Real ≥ 0) |
STMIN | Minimum interface
stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1). (Real ≥ 0) |
STMAX | Maximum interface
stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1). Default = 1030 (Real ≥ 0) |
IBC | Flag for deactivation of
boundary conditions at impact. (Character = X, Y, Z, XY, XZ, YZ, or XYZ) |
VISS | Critical damping
coefficient on interface stiffness. Default = 0.05 (Real ≥ 0) |
VISF | Critical damping
coefficient on interface friction. Default = 1.0 (Real ≥ 0) |
BMULT | Sorting factor. Default = 0.20 (Real ≥ 0) |
- The initial gap opening is calculated automatically based on the relative location of secondary and main nodes (in the original, undeformed mesh). To account for additional material layers covering main or secondary objects (such as half of shell thickness), the GPAD entry can be used. GPAD option THICK automatically accounts for shell thickness on both sides of the contact interface (this also includes the effects of shell element offset ZOFFS or composite offset Z0).
- Option STIFF=AUTO determines the value of normal stiffness for each contact element using the stiffness of surrounding elements. Additional options SOFT and HARD create respectively softer or harder penalties. SOFT can be used in cases of convergence difficulties and HARD can be used if undesirable penetration is detected in the solution. A negative value for STIFF indicates that a stiffness scaling factor equal to |Real < 0.0| is defined. This scaling is applied on the stiffness value via STIFF = AUTO.
- MU1=STICK is interpreted in OptiStruct as an enforced stick condition - such contact interfaces will not enter the sliding phase. Of course, the enforced stick only applies to contacts that are closed.
- MU1=FREEZE enforces zero relative displacements on the contact surface - the contact gap opening remains fixed at the original value and the sliding distance is zero. The FREEZE condition applies to all secondary nodes, no matter whether their initial gap is open or closed.
- The file
filename_root.contgap.fem, produced using the
CONTGAP parameter, can be imported into HyperMesh in order to visualize internally created
node-to-surface contact elements (now converted to GAPG
entities).Note: During optimization, this file shows node-to-surface contact elements for the latest optimization iteration. In order to correctly visualize this configuration in HyperMesh for shape optimization problems, the FEA mesh shape needs to be updated by applying "Shape change" results.
Furthermore, if GAPPRM,HMGAPST,YES is activated together with CONTPRM,CONTGAP,YES, then the gap status command file, filename_root.HM.gapstat.cmf, will also include the open/closed status of these additional GAPG's that represent node-to-surface contact elements. For correct visualization of their status in HyperMesh, file filename_root.contgap.fem needs to be imported before running the gap status command file.
- Adaptive contact penalty is not
applicable to these cases:
- TIE or FREEZE contact
- Contact with nonlinear penalty
- No-separation contact
- The maximum allowed penetration for
adaptive contact penalty is selected as MAXPNTR*L.
Where, L is the characteristic edge length (the average edge length on the main surface) of the contact.
- The initial trial penalty for
adaptive contact penalty is selected as:
Where, K is an automatically selected raw stiffness value, if STIFF=AUTO for the contact interface.
- The contact penalty stiffness value of STIFF option, otherwise.
- If ISTF ≠ 1, the interface stiffness K is computed from the main segment stiffness Km
and/or the secondary segment stiffness Ks.
The main stiffness is computed from for solids, for shells as well as when the main segment is shared by a shell and a solid.
The secondary stiffness is an equivalent nodal stiffness computed as for solids:(1) For Shells:(2) Where,- Bulk modulus
- Segment area
- Modulus of elasticity
- Shell thickness
- Volume of a solid
There is no limitation to the value of stiffness factor (but a value greater than 1.0 can reduce the initial time step).
ISTF = 0, the interface stiffness
ISTF > 1, the interface stiffness is with:- ISTF = 2,
- ISTF = 3,
- ISTF = 4,
- ISTF = 5,
- In an implicit analysis, the contact
stiffness plays a very important role in convergence. ISTF = 4 (which takes the minimum of main and secondary stiffness's for contact)
is recommended. This is because the penalty contact force will be balanced with
the internal force of the deformable impacted part, which means the stiffness
near the effective stiffness one will converge easier than a higher one.
For small initial gaps in implicit analysis, the convergence will be more stable if a GAP larger than the initial gap is defined.
In implicit analysis, sometimes a stiffness with scaling factor reduction (for example: STFAC = 0.01) or reduction in impacted thickness (if rigid one) might reduce unbalanced forces and improve convergence, particularly in shell structures under bending where the effective stiffness is much lower than membrane stiffness; but it should be noted that too low of a value could also lead to divergence.
- The default for the constant gap (IGAP = CONST) is the minimum of:
- t
- Average thickness of the main shell elements
- l/10, l
- Average side length of the main solid elements
- lmin/2, lmin
- Smallest side length of all main segments (shell or solid)
- The variable gap (IGAP = VAR) is computed as gs + gm with:
- gm - main element gap with
- gm = t/2, t: thickness of the main element for shell elements.
- gm = 0 for solid elements.
- gs - secondary node gap:
- gs = 0 if the secondary node is not connected to any element or is only connected to solid or spring elements.
- gs = t/2, t - largest thickness of the shell elements connected to the secondary node.
- gs = 1/2√S for truss and beam elements, with S being the cross-section of the element.
If the secondary node is connected to multiple shells and/or beams or trusses, the largest computed secondary gap is used.
The variable gap is always at least equal to GAPMIN.
- gm - main element gap with
- INACTI = 3 or 4 are only recommended for small
initial penetrations and should be used with caution because:
- the coordinate change is irreversible
- it may create other initial penetrations if several surface layers are defined in the interfaces
- it may create initial energy if the node belongs to a spring element
INACTI = 5 works as: - IFILT defines the
method for computing the friction filtering coefficient. If
IFILT ≠ NO, the tangential friction
forces are smoothed using a filter:
(3) Where,- Tangential force
- Tangential force at time
- Tangential force at time
- α
- Filtering coefficient
- α = FFAC
- , where dt/T = FFAC, is the filtering period
- , where FFAC is the cutting frequency
- IFRIC defines the friction model.
IFRIC = COUL - Coulomb friction with with
If IFRIC is not COUL, the friction coefficient is set by a function ,
Where,- Pressure of the normal force on the main segment
- Tangential velocity of the secondary node
The following formulations are available:
IFRIC = GEN - Generalized viscous friction law(4) IFRIC = DARM - Darmstad law(5) IFRIC = REN - Renard law(6) (7) (8) where,
- The first critical velocity must be different to 0 (C5 ≠ 0). It also must be lower than the second critical velocity (C5 < C6).
- The static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2 must be lower than the maximum friction C3 (C1 ≤ C3) and C2 ≤ C3).
- The minimum friction coefficient C4, must be lower than the static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2 (C4 ≤ C1 and C4 ≤ C2).
- IFORM selects two types of contact friction penalty formulation.The viscous (total) formulation (IFORM = VISC) computes an adhesive force as:
(9) The stiffness (incremental) formulation (IFORM = STIFF) computes an adhesive force as:(10) (11) (12) - For nonlinear implicit contact with friction, the stiffness formulation (IFORM = STIFF) is recommended.
- If IGNORE = 1 or 2, the secondary nodes without a
main segment found during the searching are deleted from the interface.
If IGNORE = 1 and SRCHDIS is blank, the default value of the distance for searching closest main segment is the average size of the main segments.
If IGNORE = 2 and SRCHDIS is blank, the distance for searching closest main segment for each secondary node is computed as:
Where,- Thickness of the element connected to the secondary node, for solids = 0.0
- Thickness of main segment, for solids = Element volume / Segment area
- Main segment diagonal
- This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh.