OS-E: 5005 Coupling Between Flux and OptiStruct

Demonstrate how the coupling between Flux 2D/3D and OptiStruct is performed for a vibro-acoustic analysis.

Figure 1. FE Model

Model Files

Refer to Access the Model Files to download the required model file(s).

The model files used in this example include:
  • Min_ERP_350m_12.fem
  • Wing_SE.h3d
  • Rotor_Super_Element.h3d

Model Description

The objective is to compute the magnetic force in Flux which will act as an input in OptiStruct for structural analysis or optimization.

The device used here is a fuel pump permanent magnet motor implemented in an airplane wing. The motor is brushless AC permanent magnet motor in which the electromagnetic analysis is done using Flux.

Figure 2.
To reduce the computation time, 3 different superelements have been generated. The initial model contains the fuel pump with the motor and the rib, and the links to the superelements. The motor model has been designed in Flux 2D. The fuel pump is attached to the web of wing body Rib03 using 12 fasteners. The objective is to evaluate the electromagnetic performances and to compute the forces. The mechanical mesh is imported from HyperMesh to Flux and after computing, the forces are exported for OptiStruct. This electromagnetic performance can be used to define constraints and the forces can be used as loads in the OptiStruct analysis. Frequency response analysis is performed in OptiStruct using the forces extracted from Flux and the Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) output is requested on the Rib03 web.

Figure 3. Forces extracted from and the Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) output
  1. For additional details regarding the input from Flux , refer to the Flux documentation.
  2. The forces from Flux are provided in the cartesian coordinate system. As the forces are calculated using Flux2D, there is no axial (Z) component of forces. Thus, in the nodes where forces are applied, the calculations are performed in a cartesian coordinate system and not in a cylindrical coordinate system.

    Further, as the stator in the OptiStruct model is not oriented along the global Z axis, a local rectangular system is used to apply the loads in the correct directions.


Figure 4. Equivalent Response Power (ERP) on the Wing Body

Figure 5. Variation of ERP (in mW and db) with Frequency