Optimization will find the most effecitve design for each design space in a model in response to the applied loading
conditions on that model. You can run several different types of optimization including topology, topography,gauge,
lattice, and PolyNURBS shape optimization.
After running an optimization, if certain design targets or constraints were not met, a warning will appear at the
bottom of the Shape Explorer window.
The element density result type shows where material on the part is most dense and needs to be retained. This result
type is available for all topology optimization runs.
View Design Violations
After running an optimization, if certain design targets or constraints were not met, a warning will appear at the bottom of the Shape Explorer window.
Compare Results (optimization)
Compare the results of multiple optimization runs in a table using the Compare Results button located at the bottom of the Shape Explorer.
Visualize Element Density
The element density result type shows where material on the part is most dense and needs to be retained. This result type is available for all topology optimization runs.