Altair® Monarch® Server


Connection Definitions

The Connections Definitions tab is part of the Project Editor. Use this tab to add predefined/saved connection definitions that can be reused in multiple projects.

Important: Connection definition parameters are taken from the server at a project creation time. Any changes in initial connection strings on source machines will not be tracked.

To add connection definition

  1. On the Navigation Tree, click Automator  and select Connection Definitions.

  2. On the displayed page, click the Add icon add button . The Connection Definition page appears.

  3. Enter the connection definition name in the Name field.        

  4. Enter connection definition description in the Description field.

  5. Enter connection string in the Connection String field:

    • Manually and then proceed to step 6, or

    • Click the Browse button to open Connection Type Wizard window:

      1. Select provider type from the following choices: OleDb for Native MsSql Provider, OleDb Provider or Odbc Provider

      2. Provide parameters according to provider type chosen

      3. Click the Test Connection button to test whether or not the data link was successful (i.e., to test whether you can connect to the specified OLE DB or ODBC provider). If the connection is successful, a Test Connection Succeeded message is displayed.

      4. To use connection string, click OK.

  6. Select Include Password check box if your connection requires password.        

  7. Enter matching passwords in the Password and Confirm  Password fields.

  8. Click the Test Connection button to make sure that your DB connection is successful.

  9. To save connection definition, click Save.

To duplicate connection definition

  1. On the Navigation Tree, click Automator and select Connection Definitions.

  2. On the displayed page, select the name of the connection definition that you want to duplicate.

  3. Click the Duplicate icon duplicate button . The Connection Definition page appears.

  4. Enter connection definition name in the Name field. The name must not coincide with the original definition name. All other settings of this definition will be duplicated.

  5. To save connection definition, click Save.


  1. On the Navigation Tree, click Automator and select Connection Definitions.

  2. On the displayed page, select the connection definition whose security settings you want to modify.

  3. On the Connection Definition page, click the Rights tab.

  4. If you want to make the connection definition available to all users, click the Global checkbox.

If you want to make the connection definition available to specific user groups, roles, or users, click the corresponding tabs to select the user groups, roles, and users you want to grant access to the connection definition.

  1. Click Save to save the settings, Clear to reject all changes made, and Cancel to stop the operation and return to the Connection Definition page.