Altair® Monarch® Server


Activity Monitor

Monarch Server provides the possibility to monitor current filing and maintenance activities, performed in the system.

To access the activity monitor, on the Navigation Tree, click System Reports, and select Activity Monitor.

To display the list of activities occurring in the system

  1. From the Job Type list, select Filing Process, Auto start Filing Process, or Maintenance Process.

  2. From the Time Period list, select one of the following options:

    • Now (to show processes occurring at the current moment)

    • Last Hour (to show processes that occurred during the last hour)

    • Last 24 Hours (to show processes that occurred during the last 24 hours)

    • Nearest (to show processes that will occur in the near future)

The list displays the following information:

  • Name of a process

  • Start time

  • End time

  • Information (click a plus sign to display additional information about a process)

  • Status (Not Started, In Progress or Completed)


Note: The list auto-refreshes every 60 seconds. You can refresh it manually by clicking Refresh.