Adding a Report Security Rule
To add a report security rule
On the Navigation Tree, click Report Warehouse, then click Document Management and select Document Types.
Select the name of the document type you want to add a rule to by clicking the name of the document type or click anywhere on the row, and then click
Select the Report Security tab at the top of the page.
to display the Security Rule page.
Modify the settings accordingly.
Report Security Rule:
Model name: Shows the current index model.
Depends on field: Select a model field from the list.
Starting Rule: This allows you to define the starting point of the rule being added.
Start At: This refers to the portion of the report on which the security rule is first applied. The following options are available:
Top of Current Page: The rule is first applied at the beginning of the current page.
A report contains 50 lines of text. The rule begins on the first line of the report, i.e., the top portion of the page.
On Line: The rule is first applied on the line specified by the user.
Line #: This field is enabled only when the On Line option is selected in the Start At list.
On field change: Specify a field for triggering the rule.
A report contains 50 lines of text with the following fields available: Customer, Account Number, Contact, Quantity, Description, etc.
If you wish to hide the Account Number information specifically, set the On field change to “Account Number,” and then set line # field to 0. The rule is first applied to the field labeled as “Account Number.”
If you wish to hide, for example, the third line from the field “Contact,” then set the On field change to “Contact,” and then set line # to 3. The rule is first applied to the third line from the “Contact” field.
Note that all fields available in the report are listed in the drop-down menu of On field change.
Ending Rule: This allows you to define the end point of the rule being added. The following options are available.
End At: This refers to the portion of the report on which the security rule is last applied. The following options are available:
End of Current Page: The rule is last applied at the end of the current page.
In the previous example, you applied the rule to the Account Number field.
If you wish to hide all suceeding information, set the On field change to End of Current Page. The report will no longer show information following the Account Number field.
On Line: The rule is last applied on the line specified by the user.
Line #: Specify a line offset for the On Line options. This field is enabled only when On Line option is selected in the End At list.
On field change: Specify a Monarch field for triggering the rule.
If you wish to hide all information provided before a certain field, for example, the Contact field, then set the On field change to “Contact,” and then set line # field to 0. The rule is last applied to the field labeled as “Contact.”
If you wish to hide, for example, the third line after the “Contact” field, then set the On field change to “Contact,” and then set line # to 3. The rule is last applied to the third line from the “Contact” field.
Section Limit: Describe the section limits.
Limit section to: Specify how to limit the section.
The options are: No limit, Amount of lines and End of Current Page. -
Amount of lines: Specify the amount of lines for the Amount of lines option.
This field is enabled only when the Amount of lines option is selected in the Limit section to list.
To save the new report security rule, click the Save button.
The system saves the new report security rule to the database and displays the updated Report Security page, if the operation is completed successfully. -
To reset the values, click the Clear button.
To close the Security Rule page without saving, click Cancel. Keep in mind that no changes will be saved.