Expired News
The Expired News page lists news messages, for which the expiration date has arrived or has passed.
To access the Expired News page, click News on the Navigation Tree, select News Management, and click the Expired News tab at the top of the page.
Use this page to add, edit or delete a news message.
The Expired News page contains:
Search: Type a message content (or a part of it) in this box and press ENTER. The filter will be applied to the list of news messages, and only messages containing the specified characters will be displayed.
News date: Displays the dates when news messages were posted.
Content: Displays the news messages content.
Expiration Date: Displays the expiration dates of news messages. Expired dates are highlighted in red.
: Click to add a news message.
: Click to edit a message.
Note: You can also open a message for editing by clicking its name on the list.
: Click to delete a message.
: Click to delete all expired messages from the database.