My Home Page
The system displays the My Home page, if you click the My Home tab. Use this page to view the latest news, to use your favorite searches, to view documents and to view and delete offline task results.
This page contains the following panes:
News: Shows the latest news you have access to. The news is created with the help of Monarch Server Administrator.
Note: The news is displayed on the News page, if the expiration date is not passed, and you are given rights to see news message, or the news message is global.
Favorites Searches: Allows you to view the favorite searches list, to edit and delete favorite searches, and to send a link to a search by e-mail to any user of MSClient. For more information, see Adding a Search to the Favorites Pane.
Offline Tasks: Allows you to view and delete offline task results. For more information, see Managing Offline Processing Tasks.
Work List: Displays the list of Documents the state of which user has the right to edit. For more information, see Managing Work List.
NOTE: The panes available in the My Home page are those selected in the Global User Settings in MSAdmin. If no pane is selected in the Global User Settings, no pane will be shown.
To change the My Home page layout
Drag the lists to arrange them in the comfortable for you order.