
This option allows the user to create a solid volume from a surface. The original surface is not removed from the view area after the extrusion has been performed.

Creates a solid object by sweeping a surface along a translation vector, or by connecting all points on the perimeter of the surface to an extrusion point.

Inline mode usage:

extrudeSurface -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
extrudeSurface –point –s <name> –p <x y z>
Creates a solid object by connecting all points of the surface <name> to a single point.
extrudeSurface –s <name> –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2>
Creates a solid object by sweeping a surface along a direction vector.

Interactive mode usage:

Sweeping method:

  • The surface or surfaces to extrude.
  • Start point.
  • End point.

The vector that joins the start point and the end point will be considered the vector used for the extrusion.

Point method:

extrudeSurface -p
  • The surface or surfaces to extrude.
  • The coordinates of the extrusion point.


A square surface was created prior to executing the following command.
Select surface on screen (Press enter when done) // Select the surface
Start Point [x y z] 0 0 0
End Point [x y z] 0 0 3


Figure 1. Result of extruding a square surface