
This command allows visualizing and/or changing the value of a parameter.

Inline mode usage

set -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
set -v
Prints the names and values of all parameters.
set -v <varname>
Displays the values of the parameter named <varname>.
set <varname> {<value1>, <value2>, ..., <valueN>}
Sets the values <value1>, <value2> … <valueN> to the parameter <varname>.
set <varname> [<initial_value>, <final_value>] <number_samples>
Sets a linear variation to the parameter named <varname>. If n is the number of samples, this command will create a parameter with n values: initial, initial + 1*(final - initial)/(n-1), initial + 2*(final - initial)/(n-1) ... initial + n*(final - initial)/(n-1).
set <varname> <expression>
Sets the result of the expression <expression> to the values of the parameter <varname>. This expression can be an expression involving constant values or other parameters. Refer to Appendix I for the list of functions that can be used in an expression.


Let’s create a new parameter named “myPar” and assign to it the values 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. To do this, we use the fourth form of the command:

> set myPar {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}

We can check that the parameter has been created by opening the Define Parameters panel or by executing the following command:

> set -v myPar
myPar = {1.0,2.0,3.0}

We can see that, effectively, the parameter has been created with the desired values.

Now, let’s create another parameter named “myParDouble” whose values are the values of “myPar” doubled. To do this, the user has to enter the following command:

> set myParDouble 2*myPar

We can check the values of both parameters using the following command:

> set -v
myPar = {1.0,2.0,3.0}
myParDouble = 2*myPar