Altair® Panopticon


Export Data


Panopticon Real Time provides the functionality to export data from a visualization to a CSV file.

Use the following URL to download the CSV file from the Server:

q  URL: http://[server]/[path]/server/rest/media/data/dashboard/part

Each URL has the following properties:

q  Mandatory arguments

·         Workbook – Workbook name without an extension.

·         Dashboard – Dashboard name in the workbook.

·         Part – The visualization part ID

The following examples show how to export the data of a visualization from a local server. For these examples, we have used the example workbook How To Actions.

q  Export data as a CSV file

·         Syntax: http://[server]/[path]/server/rest/media/data/dashboard/part?workbook={Workbook name}&dashboard={Dashboard name}&part={Visualization part id}

·         Example: http://localhost:8080/panopticon/server/rest/media/data/dashboard/part?workbook=How+To+Actions&dashboard=Data+Entry&part=visualization.Treemap1

Dashboard Parameters

The CSV file can be generated based on the workbook data table parameters. The parameter and its values can be specified to determine the context of the exported data.

Syntax: http://[server]/[path]/server/rest/media/data/dashboard/part?workbook={Workbook name}&dashboard={Dashboard name}&part={Visualization part id}&{dashboardParameterName1=value1}&{dashboardParameterName2=value2}

Adding Region=Europe  and Industry=Financials  parameters

Example:  http://localhost:8080/panopticon/server/rest/media/data/dashboard/part?workbook=How+To+Actions&dashboard=Scatter+of+Filtered+Universe&part=visualization.ScatterPlot1&Region=Europe&Industry=Financials

Adding Region=Asia Pacific, or Region=Europe  and Industry= Financials  parameters produces a CSV file that is focused on Asia Pacific & European Financials.  In this case the Region parameter is repeated for each of the supplied regions.

Example: http://localhost:8080/panopticon/server/rest/media/data/dashboard/part?workbook=How+To+Actions&dashboard=Scatter+of+Filtered+Universe&part=visualization.ScatterPlot1&Region=Asia+Pacific&Region=Europe&Industry=Financials