Altair® Panopticon


Tomcat Realm

Panopticon Streams can be configured to use the Tomcat Realm when performing authentication. The Tomcat Realm is configured in the server.xml  file in the Tomcat conf folder. The Tomcat Realm itself can be configured to authenticate towards a variety of different types of authentication source, such as Tomcat user base and LDAP. The sub chapters in this chapter will give examples on how to configure the Tomcat Realm.

Panopticon Streams needs to be configured to use the BASIC type in order to do the authentication towards the Tomcat Realm. To enable Tomcat Realm authentication, set this property in the  file:




It is a common approach to wrap your Tomcat Realm with the LockOutRealm. This is used to prevent brute-force attacks.

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm">

    <!—Insert your own Tomcat Realm here à
