Automatic Overset Mesh Volume Creation
Identify the components that represent the model's rotating fan.
From the ultraFluidX ribbon,
Setup group, click
the Identify Parts tool.
From the secondary tool set, click the Overset Mesh Rotating
Fan tool.
- From the guide bar, select Fan Parts.
In the modeling window, select the fan parts.
A cylinder representing the volume is automatically created around the selected fan parts. Relevant parts are identified using the color map in the modeling window.
- Optional:
Use the microdialog to edit the fan parameters.
- Edit the RPM.
- Edit the mesh refinement level.
- Change the axis alignment.
- Click and and use the graphical manipulators to move the cylinder.
- Click to change the direction of the rotation.
- From the guide bar, select Check Containment.
- In the modeling window, select fan parts.
From the guide bar, complete one of the following:
- Select to confirm your selection and continue creating fans.
- Select to confirm your selection and exit the tool.