Specify the Body

Identify the components that represent the model's body.

Body panels are modeled with a wall boundary condition and a zero velocity is applied.

Identify the model body in the following ways:

  • Use the Identify Body tool.
    1. From the ultraFluidX ribbon, Setup group, click the Identify Parts tool.

      Figure 1.
    2. From the secondary tool set, click the Body tool.

      Figure 2.
    3. Select the components that represent the model's body.
  • Right-click on a part in the modeling window or the Model Browser and select Identify As > Body from the context menu.
  • Select a part in the modeling window or the Model Browser then change the Identify As field to Body in the Property Editor.
Tip: Open the Property Editor and review the parameters associated with a particular body component by left-clicking on parts identified as a body in the Model Browser.