Package Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities
Library with auxiliary models for testing


This package contains utility components for testing examples.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​UtilitiesPackage (Icon for utility packages).

Package Contents

CurrentControllerCurrent controller
FromDQTransform rotor fixed space phasor to instantaneous stator quantities
MultiTerminalBoxTerminal box Y/D-connection
ParameterRecordsParameter records
RampedRheostatRheostat with linearly decreasing resistance
SwitchedRheostatRheostat which is shortened after a given time
SynchronousMachineDataComputes machine parameter from usual datasheet
TerminalBoxTerminal box Y/D-connection
ToDQTransform instantaneous stator inputs to rotor fixed space phasor
TransformerDataCalculates Impedances from nominal values
VoltageControllerVoltage controller

Block Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​VfController


Simple Voltage-Frequency-Controller.
Amplitude of voltage is linear dependent (VNominal/fNominal) on frequency (input signal "u"), but limited by VNominal (nominal RMS voltage per phase).
m sine-waves with amplitudes as described above are provided as output signal "y".
By setting parameter EconomyMode=true, Voltage rises quadratically with frequency which means flux,torque and loss reduction for fan and pump drives.
The sine-waves are intended to feed a m-phase SignalVoltage.
Phase shifts between sine-waves may be chosen by the user; default values are (k-1)/m*pi for k in 1:m.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output continuous control block).


final IntegernoutmNumber of outputs
Integerm3Number of phases
Angleorientation[m]-Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Functions.symmetricOrientation(m)Orientation of phases
VoltageVNominal Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominal Nominal frequency
AngleBasePhase0Common phase shift
BooleanEconomyModefalseEconomy mode: voltage quadratic dependent on frquency


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputy[nout]Connector of Real output signals

Block Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​ToDQ
Transform instantaneous stator inputs to rotor fixed space phasor


The multi phase input values u[m] are transformed to the corresponding space phasor which is rotated to the rotor fixed reference system, using the provided mechanical rotor angle phi. The output are the resulting d and q components of the space phasor arranged in one vector y[2].

See also


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output continuous control block).


final IntegerninmNumber of inputs
final Integernout2Number of outputs
Integerm3Number of phases
Integerp Number of pole pairs


input RealInputu[nin]Connector of Real input signals
output RealOutputy[nout]Connector of Real output signals
input RealInputphi 

Block Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​FromDQ
Transform rotor fixed space phasor to instantaneous stator quantities


The d and q components of a space phasor u[2] are rotated back to the stator fixed reference system, using the provided mechanical rotor angle phi. The output are the instantaneous multi phase values y[m].

See also


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output continuous control block).


final Integernin2Number of inputs
final IntegernoutmNumber of outputs
Integerm3Number of phases
Integerp Number of pole pairs


input RealInputu[nin]Connector of Real input signals
output RealOutputy[nout]Connector of Real output signals
input RealInputphi 

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​CurrentController
Current controller


Simple Current-Controller.

The desired rms values of d- and q-component of the space phasor current in rotor fixed coordinate system are given by inputs "id_rms" and "iq_rms". Using the given rotor position (input "phi"), the correct three-phase currents (output "y[3]") are calculated. They can be used to feed a current source which in turn feeds an induction machine.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​MO (Multiple Output continuous control block).


Integerm3Number of phases
Integerp Number of pole pairs
final IntegernoutmNumber of outputs


output RealOutputy[nout]Connector of Real output signals
input RealInputid_rms 
input RealInputiq_rms 
input RealInputphi 

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​VoltageController
Voltage controller


Simple Voltage-Controller

The desired rms values of d- and q-component of the space phasor current in rotor fixed coordinate system are given by inputs "id_rms" and "iq_rms". Using the given rotor position (input "phi"), the actual threephase currents are measured and transformed to the d-q coordinate system. Two PI-controller determine the necessary d- and q- voltages, which are transformed back to threephase (output "y[3]"). They can be used to feed a voltage source which in turn feeds a permanent magnet synchronous machine.

Note: No care is taken for current or voltage limiting, as well as for field weakening.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​MO (Multiple Output continuous control block).


Integerp Number of pole pairs
FrequencyfsNominal Nominal frequency
VoltageVsOpenCircuit Open circuit RMS voltage per phase @ fsNominal
ResistanceRs Stator resistance per phase
InductanceLd Inductance in d-axis
InductanceLq Inductance in q-axis
BooleandecouplingfalseUse decoupling network
final MagneticFluxpsiMsqrt(2) * VsOpenCircuit / (2 * pi * fsNominal) 
final IntegernoutmNumber of outputs


output RealOutputy[nout]Connector of Real output signals
input RealInputid_rms 
input RealInputiq_rms 
input RealInputphi 
input RealInputiActual[m] 

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​SwitchYD


Simple Star-Delta-switch.
If control is false, plug_sp and plug_sn are star connected and plug_sp connected to the supply plug.
If control is true, plug_sp and plug_sn are delta connected and they are connected to the supply plug.


Integerm3Number of phases


PositivePlugplugSupplyTo grid
PositivePlugplug_spTo positive stator plug
NegativePlugplug_snTo negative stator plug
input BooleanInputcontrol[m] 

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​TerminalBox
Terminal box Y/D-connection


TerminalBox: at the bottom connected to both machine plugs, connect at the top to the grid as usual,
choosing Y-connection (StarDelta=Y) or D-connection (StarDelta=D).


Integerm3Number of phases
StringterminalConnection Choose Y=star/D=delta


PositivePlugplug_spTo positive stator plug
NegativePlugplug_snTo negative stator plug
PositivePlugplugSupplyTo grid

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​MultiTerminalBox
Terminal box Y/D-connection


TerminalBox: at the bottom connected to both machine plugs, connect at the top to the grid as usual,
choosing Y-connection (StarDelta=Y) or D-connection (StarDelta=D).


Integerm3number of phases
final IntegermSystemsModelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Functions.numberOfSymmetricBaseSystems(m) 
final IntegermBasicinteger(m / mSystems) 
StringterminalConnection Choose Y=star/D=delta


PositivePlugplug_spTo positive stator plug
NegativePlugplug_snTo negative stator plug
PositivePlugplugSupplyTo grid

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​SwitchedRheostat
Rheostat which is shortened after a given time


Switched rheostat, used for starting asynchronous induction motors with slipring rotor:

The external rotor resistance RStart is shortened at time tStart.


Integerm3Number of phases
ResistanceRStart Starting resistance
TimetStart Duration of switching on the starting resistor


PositivePlugplug_pTo positive rotor plug
NegativePlugplug_nTo negative rotor plug

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​RampedRheostat
Rheostat with linearly decreasing resistance


Ramped rheostat, used for starting asynchronous induction motors with slipring rotor:

The external rotor resistance RStart is reduced to zero, starting at time tStart with a linear ramp tRamp.


Integerm3Number of phases
ResistanceRStart Starting resistance
TimetStart Time instance of reducing the rheostat
TimetRamp Duration of ramp


PositivePlugplug_pTo positive rotor plug
NegativePlugplug_nTo negative rotor plug

Record Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​SynchronousMachineData
Computes machine parameter from usual datasheet


The parameters of the synchronous machine model with electrical excitation (and damper) are calculated from parameters normally given in a technical description, according to the standard EN 60034-4:2008 Appendix C.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records).


parameter ApparentPowerSNominalNominal apparent power
parameter VoltageVsNominalNominal stator voltage per phase
parameter CurrentIsNominalNominal stator current per phase
parameter ImpedanceZReferenceReference impedance
parameter FrequencyfsNominalNominal stator frequency
parameter AngularVelocityomegaNominal angular frequency
parameter CurrentIeOpenCircuitOpen circuit excitation current @ nominal voltage and frequency
parameter RealeffectiveStatorTurnsEffective number of stator turns
parameter RealturnsRatioStator current / excitation current
parameter Realx0Stator stray inductance per phase (approximately zero impedance) [pu]
parameter RealxdSynchronous reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]
parameter RealxqSynchronous reactance per phase, q-axis [pu]
parameter RealxdTransientTransient reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]
parameter RealxdSubtransientSubtransient reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]
parameter RealxqSubtransientSubtransient reactance per phase, q-axis [pu]
parameter TimeTaArmature time constant
parameter TimeTd0TransientOpen circuit field time constant Td0'
parameter TimeTd0SubtransientOpen circuit subtransient time constant Td0'', d-axis
parameter TimeTq0SubtransientOpen circuit subtransient time constant Tq0'', q-axis
parameter TemperatureTsSpecificationSpecification temperature of stator resistance
parameter TemperatureTsRefReference temperature of stator resistance
parameter LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20sTemperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC
parameter TemperatureTrSpecificationSpecification temperature of (optional) damper cage
parameter TemperatureTrRefReference temperature of damper resistances in d- and q-axis
parameter LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20rTemperature coefficient of damper resistances in d- and q-axis
parameter TemperatureTeSpecificationSpecification excitation temperature
parameter TemperatureTeRefReference temperature of excitation resistance
parameter LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20eTemperature coefficient of excitation resistance
parameter RealxmdMain field reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]
parameter RealxmqMain field reactance per phase, q-axis [pu]
parameter RealxeExcitation reactance [pu]
parameter RealxrdDamper reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]
parameter RealxrqDamper reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]
parameter RealrsStator resistance per phase at specification temperature [pu]
parameter RealrrdDamper resistance per phase at specification temperature, d-axis [pu]
parameter RealrrqDamper resistance per phase at specification temperature, q-axis [pu]
parameter RealreExcitation resistance per phase at specification temperature [pu]
parameter ResistanceRsStator resistance per phase at TRef
parameter InductanceLssigmaStator stray inductance per phase
parameter InductanceLmdMain field inductance per phase in d-axis
parameter InductanceLmqMain field inductance per phase in q-axis
parameter InductanceLrsigmadDamper stray inductance in d-axis
parameter InductanceLrsigmaqDamper stray inductance in q-axis
parameter ResistanceRrdDamper resistance in d-axis at TRef
parameter ResistanceRrqDamper resistance in q-axis at TRef
parameter ResistanceReExcitation resistance at TRef
parameter RealsigmaeStray fraction of total excitation inductance

Record Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Utilities.​TransformerData
Calculates Impedances from nominal values


The parameters of the transformer models are calculated from parameters normally given in a technical description.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records).


parameter FrequencyfNominal frequency
parameter VoltageV1Primary nominal line-to-line voltage (RMS)
parameter StringC1Choose primary connection
parameter VoltageV2Secondary open circuit line-to-line voltage (RMS) @ primary nominal voltage
parameter StringC2Choose secondary connection
parameter ApparentPowerSNominalNominal apparent power
parameter Realv_scImpedance voltage drop pu
parameter PowerP_scShort-circuit (copper) losses
parameter RealnRatio primary voltage (line-to-line) / secondary voltage (line-to-line)
parameter VoltageV1phPrimary phase voltage (RMS)
parameter CurrentI1phPrimary phase current (RMS)
parameter VoltageV2phSecondary phase voltage (RMS)
parameter CurrentI2phSecondary phase current (RMS)
parameter ImpedanceZ1phPrimary impedance per phase
parameter ResistanceR1Warm primary resistance per phase
parameter InductanceL1sigmaPrimary stray inductance per phase
parameter ImpedanceZ2phSecondary impedance per phase
parameter ResistanceR2Warm secondary resistance per phase
parameter InductanceL2sigmaSecondary stray inductance per phase