Package Modelica.​Mechanics.​MultiBody.​Visualizers.​Internal
Visualizers that will be replaced by improved versions in the future (do not use them)


This package contains components to construct 3-dim. fonts with "cylinder" elements for the animation window. This is just a temporary hack until 3-dim. fonts are supported in Modelica tools. The components are used to construct the "x", "y", "z" labels of coordinates systems in the animation.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​InternalPackage (Icon for an internal package (indicating that the package should not be directly utilized by user)).

Package Contents

FixedLinesVisualizing a set of lines as cylinders (e.g., used to display characters)
LinesVisualizing a set of lines as cylinders with variable size, e.g., used to display characters (no Frame connector)

Model Modelica.​Mechanics.​MultiBody.​Visualizers.​Internal.​FixedLines
Visualizing a set of lines as cylinders (e.g., used to display characters)


With model FixedLines a set of lines is defined that are located relatively to frame_a. Every line is represented by a cylinder. This allows to define simple shaped 3-dimensional characters. An example is shown in the following figure:

model Visualizers.FixedLines

The two letters "x" and "y" are constructed with 4 lines by providing the following data for parameter lines

   lines = {[0, 0; 1, 1],[0, 1; 1, 0],[1.5, -0.5; 2.5, 1],[1.5, 1; 2, 0.25]}

Via parameter vectors n_x and n_y a two-dimensional coordinate system is defined. The points defined with parameter lines are with respect to this coordinate system. For example "[0, 0; 1, 1]" defines a line that starts at {0,0} and ends at {1,1}. The diameter and color of all line cylinders are identical.

Extends from Modelica.​Mechanics.​MultiBody.​Interfaces.​PartialVisualizer (Base model for visualizers (has a frame_a on the left side + outer world + assert to guarantee that the component is connected)).


Booleananimationtrue= true, if animation shall be enabled


Realscale1The 'lines' are visualized 'scale' times bigger
Positionlines[:,2,2]{[0,0; 1,1], [0,1; 1,0]}List of start and end points of cylinders resolved along n_x and n_y
Distancediameter0.05Diameter of the cylinders defined by lines
Positionr_lines[3]{0, 0, 0}Position vector from origin of frame_a to the origin of the 'lines' frame, resolved in frame_a
Realn_x[3]{1, 0, 0}Vector in direction of x-axis of 'lines' frame, resolved in frame_a.
Realn_y[3]{0, 1, 0}Vector in direction of y-axis of 'lines' frame, resolved in frame_a.
Colorcolor[3]{0, 128, 255}Color of cylinders
SpecularCoefficientspecularCoefficientworld.​defaultSpecularCoefficientReflection of ambient light (= 0: light is completely absorbed)


Frame_aframe_aCoordinate system in which visualization data is resolved

Model Modelica.​Mechanics.​MultiBody.​Visualizers.​Internal.​Lines
Visualizing a set of lines as cylinders with variable size, e.g., used to display characters (no Frame connector)


With model Lines a set of dynamic lines is defined that are located relatively to frame_a. Every line is represented by a cylinder. This allows, e.g., to define simple shaped 3-dimensional characters. Note, if the lines are fixed relatively to frame_a, it is more convenient to use model Visualizers.FixedLines. An example for dynamic lines is shown in the following figure:

model Visualizers.FixedLines

The two letters "x" and "y" are constructed with 4 lines by providing the following data for input variable lines

   lines = {[0, 0; 1, 1],[0, 1; 1, 0],[1.5, -0.5; 2.5, 1],[1.5, 1; 2, 0.25]}

Via vectors n_x and n_y a two-dimensional coordinate system is defined. The points defined with variable lines are with respect to this coordinate system. For example "[0, 0; 1, 1]" defines a line that starts at {0,0} and ends at {1,1}. The diameter and color of all line cylinders are identical and are defined by parameters.


OrientationRFrames.nullRotation()Orientation object to rotate the world frame into the object frame
Positionr[3]{0, 0, 0}Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame
Positionr_lines[3]{0, 0, 0}Position vector from origin of object frame to the origin of 'lines' frame, resolved in object frame
Realn_x[3]{1, 0, 0}Vector in direction of x-axis of 'lines' frame, resolved in object frame
Realn_y[3]{0, 1, 0}Vector in direction of y-axis of 'lines' frame, resolved in object frame
Positionlines[:,2,2]zeros(0, 2, 2)List of start and end points of cylinders resolved in an x-y frame defined by n_x, n_y, e.g., {[0,0;1,1], [0,1;1,0], [2,0; 3,1]}
Lengthdiameter0.05Diameter of the cylinders defined by lines
Colorcolor[3]{0, 128, 255}Color of cylinders
SpecularCoefficientspecularCoefficient0.7Reflection of ambient light (= 0: light is completely absorbed)