Package Modelica.​Utilities.​Internal.​PartialModelicaServices.​Animation
Models and functions for 3-dim. animation


Standard package icon.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

PartialShapeInterface for 3D animation of elementary shapes
PartialSurfaceInterface for 3D animation of surfaces

Partial Model Modelica.​Utilities.​Internal.​PartialModelicaServices.​Animation.​PartialShape
Interface for 3D animation of elementary shapes


This model is documented at Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.Advanced.Shape.


ShapeTypeshapeType"box"Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring, <external shape>)


OrientationRFrames.nullRotation()Orientation object to rotate the world frame into the object frame
Positionr[3]{0, 0, 0}Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame
Positionr_shape[3]{0, 0, 0}Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame
ReallengthDirection[3]{1, 0, 0}Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame
RealwidthDirection[3]{0, 1, 0}Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame
Lengthlength0Length of visual object
Lengthwidth0Width of visual object
Lengthheight0Height of visual object
ShapeExtraextra0Additional size data for some of the shape types
Realcolor[3]{255, 0, 0}Color of shape
SpecularCoefficientspecularCoefficient0.7Reflection of ambient light (= 0: light is completely absorbed)

Model Modelica.​Utilities.​Internal.​PartialModelicaServices.​Animation.​PartialSurface
Interface for 3D animation of surfaces


This model is documented at Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.Advanced.Surface.


Integernu2Number of points in u-Dimension
Integernv2Number of points in v-Dimension
Booleanwireframefalse= true: 3D model will be displayed without faces
BooleanmultiColoredSurfacefalse= true: Color is defined for each surface point


OrientationRFrames.nullRotation()Orientation object to rotate the world frame into the surface frame
Positionr_0[3]{0, 0, 0}Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of surface frame, resolved in world frame
Realcolor[3]{255, 0, 0}Color of surface
SpecularCoefficientspecularCoefficient0.7Reflection of ambient light (= 0: light is completely absorbed)
Realtransparency0Transparency of shape: 0 (= opaque) ... 1 (= fully transparent)