
Reads the values of a 2D matrix, R, from the file, f.


R = dlmread(f)

R = dlmread(f, delim)

R = dlmread(f, ..., row, col)

R = dlmread(f, ..., dataRange)

R = dlmread(f, ..., 'emptyvalue', value)

R = dlmread(f, ..., 'ignoremultidelim', delimstate)


File name or file handle opened by using fopen.
Type: int | string
Optional delimiter between values read. If no delimiter is specified, it will be determined from the file, f.
If there are multiple delimiters adjacent to each other, they are treated as individual columns in R, unless the keyword 'ignoremultidelim' is set to 'on'.
Type: string
Specifies the row to read data from the file, f. row is zero-based.
Type: integer
Specifies the column to read data from the file, f. column is zero-based.
Type: integer
Specifies the range of data read. The range could be specified as a 4-element vector in the form [r1, c1, r2, c2]. r1 and c1 are the start row/column the data is read from. r2 and c2 are the end row/column the data is read from. r1, c1, r2, and c2 are zero-based. Range can also be specified as a spreadsheet-style string such as 'A1..B5' or 'A1:B5', where A refers to column 1 of the data and 1 refers to the one-based start row of the data to be read.
Type: vector | string
Argument following the keyword 'emptyvalue', specifying the value to be used in the output, R, for empty or non-numeric values. By default, value is 0.
Type: scalar
Argument following the keyword 'ignoremultidelim', which is 'off' by default. If 'on' and there are multiple delimiters adjacent to each other in the file, they are treated as a single delimter.
Type: string | logical


Matrix of values read from the file, f.
Type: matrix


Default options, reading an ASCII file with numeric data:
R = dlmread('Example1.txt');
R = [Matrix] 2 x 3
5.48813   6.45894   7.91725
0.87129   9.78618   6.39921
Delimiter, start row and column options:
R = dlmread('Example2.txt', ' ', 2, 1)
R = [Matrix] 3 x 2
6.17636   3.59508
5.92845  -3.84382
6.48172   4.73608
Reading with row/column range:
R = dlmread('Example3.txt', [2, 1, 4, 2])
R = [Matrix] 3 x 2
6.17636   3.59508
5.92845  -3.84382
6.48172   4.73608
Reading with string range, option 1:
R = dlmread('Example4.txt', 'B1:D2')
R = [Matrix] 2 x 2
6.45894  7.91725
9.78618  6.39921
Reading with string range, option 2:
R = dlmread('Example4.txt', 'B1..D2')
R = [Matrix] 2 x 2
6.45894  7.91725
9.78618  6.39921
Reading with empty value specified:
R = dlmread('Example5.txt', 'emptyvalue', -55)
R = [Matrix] 3 x 3
5.48813  -55.00000  -55.00000
0.87129    9.78618    6.39921
2.64556    6.17636    3.59508