Adds a pop-up menu, in hierarchical order, under a ribbon menu or as a child menu to a pop-up menu in the Compose user interface. addpopupmenu is only available in the Compose GUI.
Removes a sprite action group, sagnname, from the ribbon page group in the Compose user interface. removespriteactiongroup is only available in the Compose GUI.
Adds an action item to the given menu in the Compose user interface. addmenuitem is only available in the Compose GUI.
Inserts a separator in the given menu in the Compose user interface. addmenuseparator is only available in the Compose GUI.
Adds a pop-up menu, in hierarchical order, under a ribbon menu or as a child menu to a pop-up menu in the Compose user interface. addpopupmenu is only available in the Compose GUI.
Adds a ribbon menu, rbmname, in the Compose user interface. addribbonmenu is only available in the Compose GUI.
Adds a ribbon page, rbnname, in the Compose user interface. addribbonpage is only available in the Compose GUI.
Adds a ribbon page group, rpgnname, in the Compose user interface. addribbonpagegroup is only available in the Compose GUI.
Adds a sprite action to the given sprite group in the Compose user interface. addspriteaction is only available in the Compose GUI.
Adds a sprite action group, sagname, to a ribbon page group in the Compose user interface. addspriteactiongroup is only available in the Compose GUI.
Enable or disable a sprite action, name, in the Compose user interface. enablespriteaction is only available in the Compose GUI.
Moves the sprite action or group, name, in the Compose user interface. movesprite is only available in the Compose GUI.
Removes an action item from the given menu in the Compose user interface. removemenuitem is only available in the Compose GUI.
Removes a pop-up menu from the Compose user interface. removepopupmenu is only available in the Compose GUI.
Removes a ribbon menu rbmname or pm, from the Compose user interface. removeribbonmenu is only available in the Compose GUI.
Removes a ribbon page, rbnname, from the Compose user interface. removeribbonpage is only available in the Compose GUI.
Removes a sprite action from the Compose user interface. removespriteaction is only available in the Compose GUI.
Removes a sprite action group, sagnname, from the ribbon page group in the Compose user interface. removespriteactiongroup is only available in the Compose GUI.
Sets an accelerator for the given action in the Compose user interface. setmenuaccel is only available in the Compose GUI.
Show or hide a sprite action, name, in the Compose user interface. showspriteaction is only available in the Compose GUI.