Solve a system of linear equations with the preconditioned conjugate gradient method.
x = pcg(A,b)
x = pcg(A,b,rtol)
x = pcg(A,b,rtol,maxit)
x = pcg(A,b,rtol,maxit,M1)
x = pcg(A,b,rtol,maxit,M1,M2)
x = pcg(A,b,rtol,maxit,M1,M2,x0)
[x, iflag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcg(...)
- A
- The left-hand side matrix, or a function name or handle to generate A*x. The matrix should be symmetric positive definite.
- b
- The right-hand side vector.
- rtol
- The relative convergerce tolerance (default: 1.0e-6).
- maxit
- The maximum number of iterations (default: min(size(b, 1), 20)).
- M1
- The left preconditioner matrix, or a function name or handle to generate M1\x. (default: none or [])
- M2
- The right preconditioner matrix, or a function name or handle to generate M2\x. (default: none or [])
- x0
- The initial estimate of the solution (default: zeroes(length(b),1)).
- x
- The solution vector.
- iflag
- The termination status.
- iflag = 0:
- The algorithm converged within the allowed tolerance and number of iterations.
- iflag = 1:
- The algorithm completed the allowed iterations without converging.
- iflag = 2:
- A preconditioner matrix was singular.
- iflag = 3:
- The algorithm converged, but not at a solution due to stagnation.
- iflag = 4:
- The algorithm stopped because behavior indicates that A is not positive definite.
- relres
- The magnitude of the residual relative to norm(b).
- iter
- The number of iterations performed.
- resvec
- The residual vector.
Case using a function handle for A and a left preconditioner.
M = [1, 2, 0; 4, 5, 6; 0, 8, 9];
A = M' * M;
b = [1; 2; 3];
tol = 0.0001;
max_it = 5;
M1 = diag(diag(A));
M2 = [];
x0 = [];
Ahandle = @(x) A * x;
[x, iflag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcg(Ahandle, b, tol, max_it, M1, M2, x0)
x = [Matrix] 3 x 1
iflag = 0
relres = 1.04715e-12
iter = 4
resvec = [Matrix] 4 x 2
6.50672e+01 7.12665e+00
1.00361e+00 1.07263e-01
9.39820e-01 1.25481e-01
3.91807e-12 4.26115e-13