Adaptive Wrap Mesh Controls

Model, local, proximity and leak detection mesh controls for adaptive wrap meshing.

Optional automatic surface re-meshing of the wrapping result ensures good surface mesh quality.

Model and Local

Model and local controls define the wrap type, wrap selection, and wrap settings. Local controls defines wrap settings and will override those defined in the model control.

Note: In order to run a meshing job, at least one model mesh control must be defined. For surface/region selection, all mesh controls created for adaptive wrapper should have surface/region selection only. Mesh controls with component and surface selection will not be compatible.

Wrap Selection

Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Description
Wrap Type Specifies whether to wrap the exterior or cavity of the selected entities.
Wrap Selection Specifies which volumes to wrap.
Wrap all of the volumes in the model.
Wrap Enclosed
Wrap the volumes enclosed by the defined nodes and ignores the remaining volumes.
Wrap Nth Largest
Specify the volume to be wrapped by specifying the wrap size index in terms of volume size. To wrap the largest volume, enter 1 in the wrap size index field; to wrap the second largest volume, enter 2 in the wrap size index field.
Exclude Enclosed
Ignore the volume(s) enclosed by the defined nodes and wraps the remaining volumes.

Wrap Mesh

Table 2. Parameters
Parameter Description
Average Element Size The 2D element size in the model which controls the average element size.
Minimum Element Size Minimum element size to be used to control how features are refined.

Define the minimum element size accordingly to precisely preserve features.

Feature Edges Specifies which features in the model to refine.
Extract features based on the defined feature angle. Open or closed loop features are considered and can be extracted.
Extract features based on the defined feature angle. Only closed loop features are considered and can be extracted.
User Defined
Manually select features to refine. If you have a large model and do not want to refine feature everything, this option is useful.
Hole Patch Tolerance Determine which holes to patch.

Closed loop free edges spanned within one or more components are considered.

Gap Patch Tolerance Determine which gaps to patch.

If two components/element groups have a gap between them and are within the gap patch tolerance, then the gap between them will be patched. Override the functionality of the gap patch at specific components/element groups by defining a proximity control for them.

Baffle Thickness Define the thickness assigned to baffles in the model. A baffle represents open – zero thickness shell face. Baffle thickness parameters inflate the baffle with defined thickness during wrapping.
Organize as Input Components

Split wrapped elements so that they are organized based on input components.

Duplicate naming is not allowed, therefore wrapped components will be named the original component name followed by _Wrap. If this option is not enabled, a component called Adaptive Wrapper will be created and will contain all wrapped elements.

Remesh after Wrapping Remesh the entire wrapped component with the defined growth rate and span angle. The element size used for remeshing will be automatically detected.

If this parameter is enabled along with the parameter organize wrap elements by base comps, then wrapped components will be remeshed and named with the original component name followed by _Wrap_Remesh.

Separate assemblies will be created for wrapped and remeshed components.


Table 3. Parameters
Parameter Description
Element Average Size Refine based on the average element size in the model.
Curvature Based Specify a maximum chordal deviation, which determines which features are refined. When this parameter is disabled, features will not be refined even though features are defined in wrapper parameters.
Global Proximity Refinement Enable proximity refinement at a global level. All input elements for proximity refinement within the defined tolerance are considered. If this parameter is disabled, proximity refinement at a global level will not take.
Intersection Line Refine wrapped mesh at the intersecting lines of input elements.
Rough patch smoothing Smooth out rough/zig-zag patches which are a result of the wrapper. This option will only operate on rough patches, and preserves features as much as possible.

Figure 1. Rough Patch Smoothing Off

Figure 2. Rough Patch Smoothing On


Proximity mesh controls define element refinement based on proximity. Use proximity mesh controls to avoid contact between selected components and any refinement gaps between them.

Global and local proximity mesh controls can be defined. Global proximity mesh controls can only be created from the Adaptive Wrap > Model > Refinement section, whereas local proximity mesh controls can only be created from the Adaptive Wrap > Proximity section.
Table 4. Parameters
Parameter Description
Group Selection
Determines how proximity is defined.
Within Group
Consider proximity refinement for all of the components/surfaces/regions you selected as long as the gap or proximity between the components is above the specified Proximity Tolerance.
Across Group
Only consider proximity refinement for all components/surfaces/regions across Group 1 and Group 2 as long as the gap or proximity between the components is above the specified Proximity Tolerance. Proximity for the components within one group will not be considered.
Note: For surface/region selection, all mesh controls created for adaptive wrapper should have surface/region selection only.
Proximity Tolerance Resolve all proximity above this value.
Self Proximity Refine the proximity of elements within one component above the Proximity Tolerance. Only available when Group Selection is set to Within Group.

Leak Detection

Leak detection mesh controls check if the resulting wrapped surface mesh creates a desired cavity before the wrapping process starts. For example, for an external aero/underhood analysis, leak detection mesh controls can help make sure a cabin, engine, and fuel tank are properly sealed, prohibiting mesh from being created there.

Once leak detection mesh controls are defined, right-click on the Adaptive Wrap folder and select Run Leak Detection. Depending upon the model size and parameters defined, leak detection can take several minutes.
Table 5. Parameters
Parameter Description
Enclosed Node Define the node within shells to be enclosed by the wrapper. This node should be enclosed by a possible volume.
Destination Nodes Destination nodes enable leak detection paths to be found between the enclosed node and destination nodes. 1D elements are generated to show the leak detection path. If a leak detection path is not found, 1D elements will not be generated.