In this tutorial you will explore the basic concepts of HyperMesh's user interface. You should review this section as it provides a general overview of HyperMesh.
A large portion of HyperMesh functionality is organized into panels. Many panels have common attributes and controls, so once you become familiar
with the features of one panel, it is much easier to understand other panels.
A large portion of HyperMesh functionality is organized into panels. Many panels have common attributes and controls, so once you become familiar
with the features of one panel, it is much easier to understand other panels.
When performing finite element modeling and analysis setup, it is important to be able to view the model from different
vantage points and control the visibility of entities. You may need to rotate the model to understand the shape, zoom
in to view details more closely, or hide specific parts of the model so other parts can be seen. Sometimes a shaded
view is best, while other times, a wireframe view allows you work on details inside the model. HyperMesh has many functions to help you control the view, visibility, and display of entities.
Learn how to perform a DOE study using HyperStudy and the HyperStudy Job Launcher within HyperMesh. HyperMorph is used to parameterize the shape of the design.
Browsers supply a great deal of view-related functionality by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based
format, and providing controls inside the table that allow you to alter the display of model parts.
Perform automatic checks on CAD models, and identify potential issues with geometry that may slow down the meshing
process using the Verification and Comparison tools.
HM-1000: Introduction to HyperMesh
In this tutorial you will explore the basic concepts of HyperMesh's user interface. You should review this section as it provides a general overview of HyperMesh.
HM-1020: Work with Panels
A large portion of HyperMesh functionality is organized into panels. Many panels have common attributes and controls, so once you become familiar with the features of one panel, it is much easier to understand other panels.
HM-1030: Organize a Model
A large portion of HyperMesh functionality is organized into panels. Many panels have common attributes and controls, so once you become familiar with the features of one panel, it is much easier to understand other panels.
HM-1040: Control the Display
When performing finite element modeling and analysis setup, it is important to be able to view the model from different vantage points and control the visibility of entities. You may need to rotate the model to understand the shape, zoom in to view details more closely, or hide specific parts of the model so other parts can be seen. Sometimes a shaded view is best, while other times, a wireframe view allows you work on details inside the model. HyperMesh has many functions to help you control the view, visibility, and display of entities.