Get the type of document.
ParsedDocument_getType <document handle>
- document handle
- Handle of a document that is being parsed
ParsedDocument_getType $doc
View new features for HyperWorks Desktop 2022.1.
Learn the basics and discover the workspace.
Discover HyperWorks Desktop functionality with interactive tutorials.
Start HyperWorks Desktop and configure the applications.
Create, open, import, and save models.
Control the view and display of your model in the modeling window.
Use the Session Browser to view the current session and all the pages and windows it contains in a hierarchical display.
Publish your HyperWorks Desktop session to HTML, PowerPoint, or Report files.
Use the Parameters Browser to parameterize the contents of a session file or report template and automate a variety of analysis processes.
Automate common workflows using the Process Manager or Automate tool.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
Common terminology used with the HyperWorks collaboration features is described in this section.
Content refers to any information stored in a library. Content Definitions encapsulate information about the types of information managed by the HyperWorks libraries.
Use the Organize browser to organize your data and use it inside HyperWorks.
The Explore dialog provides enhanced capabilities for searching for and retrieving data, beyond what is provided from typical file browse dialogs.
Use the Subscribe dialog to register or subscribe to parts or items of interest that reside within a corporate PDM system. Once the parts have been subscribed to, the dialog helps to ensure that you are working with the latest information by allowing you to quickly check whether any subscribed to parts have been updated, and to seamlessly retrieve updated information and files for those that have.
MotionView supports a limited version of interface with HyperWorks Collaboration Tools.
HyperWorks Collaboration Tools comes with an out-of-the-box profile, which is tailored specifically for organizing and managing material information and data.
This setup is recommended when a team of less than ten members wants to access and create information or data in a shared library. Larger groups of users are not supported in the team environment and should consider a full enterprise deployment.
You can connect to a team library that was already created by your system administrator or team administrator.
Profiles are a way to register non core content types and any customization needed for the library.
The parsers folder should contain a pkgIndex.tcl with the package name and the list of .tcl files used to extract the metadata from the content.
Customize the toolbar and context menu in the Organize browser.
Create a condition to be queried using ExecQuery API.
Get content definition type.
Create an empty content interface list.
Get handle on content interface at index value.
Get size of the returned query.
Add a reference to a selected content.
Get the display name of content.
Get handle on the list of categories the selected content belongs to.
Get content definition handle for the content.
Get all of the associated documents.
Get metadata value of content.
Get handle on metadata definition for a specified content.
Get the latest revision of the selected content.
Check if the content is checked out.
Check if the content is retrieved to a workspace.
Set the display name of a content.
Set a metadata value of content.
Point to default setting for parsers, indexer and other necessary settings.
Add folders and files to a specified library and folder paths in the library.
Get a handle on the repositories for the requested DM Director for a specific username.
Get a handle on the workspaces for a specific username.
Open a workspace for the library specified in the library handle.
Get the name of the metadata for a document being parsed.
Get the value of the metadata for a document being parsed.
Query the library manager for content based full text search.
Gets the file associated with the content.
Gets handle on the Query object.
Get an error or success message.
Get status code.
String list pointer.
Add a condition to be queried using ExecQuery API.
Handle on library list.
Get a handle on the library at specified index.
Returns library list size.
Check in the file associated with the content.
Gets the file associated with the content.
Marks the content as not checked out.
The content will be updated to a not retrieved state.
Get the LDB file path and name.
Get the library name.
Get the type of library.
Check if the repository is the default library.
Gets handle on Data Manager Director.
Create a new metadata value.
Creates a new workspace handle at the specified path under the specified username.
Placeholder for a metadata that is parsed from a document.
Get all of the metadata of the document being parsed.
Get the type of document.
Set the type of document for a parsed document.
Get handle on the workspace list.
Get a handle on the library at a specified index.
Returns workspace list size.
Get the name of the workspace.
Get the username for the workspace.
Get the path for the workspace.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
Get the type of document.
Get the type of document.
ParsedDocument_getType <document handle>
ParsedDocument_getType $doc
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