Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- alpha
- The field to specify the thermal expansion coefficient. Applicable for config 301.
- The scaling factor alpha1. Applicable for config 101.
- The curve ID for scaling factor. Applicable for config 101.
- The plastic initiation displacement scaling factor. Applicable for config 101.
- The plastic rupture displacement scaling factor. Applicable for config 101.
- alpha_option
- Option to turn on the alpha entry field.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- The exponent for plastic potential. Applicable for config 101.
- The curve ID for exponent for plastic potential. Applicable for config 101.
- The exponent for plastic initiation displacement. Applicable for config 101.
- The exponent for plastic rupture displacement. Applicable for config 101.
- color
- The 1-64 color of the entity.
- color_rgb
- The RGB color of the entity.
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- coupling_option
- Option to turn on the coupling selector. Applicable for config 302
- coupling_value
- The option to pick coupling value. Applicable for config 302
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- The spotweld density. Applicable for config 101.
- distribution_type
- Specified the distribution type for the weights at the coupling nodes. Applicable for config 302.
- dof1
- Select first degree of freedom.
- dof2
- Select second degree of freedom.
- dof3
- Select third degree of freedom.
- dof4
- Select fourth degree of freedom.
- dof5
- Select fifth degree of freedom.
- dof6
- Select sixth degree of freedom.
- free_nodes_option
- Option to turn on the free nodes selector. Applicable for config 302.
- free_nodes_value
- The option to setup treatment method for nodes. Applicable for config 302.
- The scaling factor. Applicable for config 101.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- iflag
- The merge option flag.
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- influence_radius
- The field to enter influence radius.
- influence_radius_option
- Option to turn on the influence radius entry field.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- internalname
- The internal name of the entity.
- The interpolation flag. Applicable for config 101.
- The load curve for damage exponent as a function of mode mixity. Applicable for config 101.
- The load curve ID or table ID. Applicable for config 101.
- The load curve ID describing plastic initiation displacement as a function of mode mixity. Applicable for config 101.
- The load curve ID describing plastic rupture displacement as a function of mode mixity. Applicable for config 101.
- location_unit_node
- The coupling nodes on which the weight distribution is specified. Applicable for config 302.
- mainid
- The main rigid body identifier.
- The material behavior and damage model. Applicable for config 101.
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- The proportionality factor for dependency. Applicable for config 101.
- The proportionality factor for dependency. Applicable for config 101.
- mtype
- The main rigid body type flag.
- name
- The name of the entity.
- The node set ID of spotweld location nodes. Applicable for config 101.
- numgrnodes
- The number of secondary node sets.
- numnodes
- The number of secondary nodes.
- numrbodies
- The number of secondary rigid bodies.
- optionalcard
- The option to enable optional fields when MODEL is set to 1, 11, or 21. Applicable for config 101.
- orientation
- The system entity that specifies the initial orientation.
- orientation_option
- Option to turn on the orientation entity selector.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise.
- PID1
- The part ID of the first sheet. Applicable for config 101.
- PID2
- The part ID of the second sheet. Applicable for config 101.
- The component ID for beams used to represent SPR3 in post-processing. Applicable for config 101.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- R
- The spotweld radius. Applicable for config 101.
- reference_entity
- The entity for setting the reference node or the node set containing reference nodes.
- reference_coupling_option
- Option to turn on rotational coupling selector. Applicable for config 302.
- reference_coupling_value
- The minimum diameter for finding a hole when findhole is 1.
- RN
- The tensile strength factor. Applicable for config 101.
- The curve ID for tensile strength factor. Applicable for config 101.
- RS
- The shear strength factor. Applicable for config 101.
- The curve ID for shear strength factor. Applicable for config 101.
- secondarygrnodids
- The secondary node sets identifier.
- secondarynodeids
- The secondary nodes identifier.
- secondarybodyids
- The secondary rigid bodies identifier.
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- solvername
- The solver name of the entity for entities enabled for name pool, otherwise the internal name of the entity.
- The shear rotation option that defines local kinematics system. Applicable for config 101.
- The elastic stiffness. Applicable for config 101.
- The curve ID for elastic stiffness. Applicable for config 101.
- The material ID in *MAT_CONSTRAINED_SPR3 (*MAT_265). Applicable for config 101.
- STIFF_Negative
- The flag to define material data for STIFF. Applicable for config 101.
- The elastic shear stiffness. Applicable for config 101.
- The elastic bending stiffness. Applicable for config 101.
- The elastic torsional stiffness. Applicable for config 101.
- stype
- The secondary rigid body type flag.
- surface
- The surface set on which coupling nodes are located.
- surface
- The surface set on which coupling nodes are located.
- The total thickness of both sheets. Applicable for config 101.
- The rigid body merge title.
- The plastic initiation displacement in normal direction. Applicable for config 101.
- The plastic initiation displacement in shear direction. Applicable for config 101.
- The plastic rupture displacement in normal direction. Applicable for config 101.
- The plastic rupture displacement in shear direction. Applicable for config 101.
- weight_distribution_row_count
- The number of rows for non-uniform distributing couplings. Applicable for config 302.
- weighting_method_option
- Option to turn on the weighting method selector. Applicable for config 302.
- weighting_method_value
- The option to modify the default weight distribution at coupling nodes.
- weights
- The option to enter the weight values. Applicable for config 302.
Version History
2022.1 - Added new data names ALPHA1, ALPHA1_FID, ALPHA2, ALPHA3, BETA1, BETA1_FID, BETA2, BETA3, DENS, GAMMA, iflag, INTP, LCDEXP, LCF, LCUPF, LCUPR, mainid, MODEL, MRN, MRS, mtype, NSID, numgrnodes, numnodes, numrbodies, optionalcard, PID1, PID2, PIDVB, R, RN, RN_FID, RS, RS_FID, secondarygrnodids, secondarynodeids, secondaryrbodyids, SROPT, STIFF, STIFF_FID, STIFF_MID, STIFF_Negative, STIFF2, STIFF3, STIFF4, stype, THICK, TITLE, UPFN, UPFS, UPRN, and UPRS.