Returns the ID of the tracks.
HyperMesh Tcl Query Command
Returns the ID of the tracks.
To get the IDs of the tracks.
Version History
View new features for HyperWorks Desktop 2022.1.
Learn the basics and discover the workspace.
Discover HyperWorks Desktop functionality with interactive tutorials.
Start HyperWorks Desktop and configure the applications.
Create, open, import, and save models.
Control the view and display of your model in the modeling window.
Use the Session Browser to view the current session and all the pages and windows it contains in a hierarchical display.
Publish your HyperWorks Desktop session to HTML, PowerPoint, or Report files.
Use the Parameters Browser to parameterize the contents of a session file or report template and automate a variety of analysis processes.
Automate common workflows using the Process Manager or Automate tool.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Extensions are programs integrated with HyperWorks to enhance or extend the user experience.
Altair Binary Format (ABF) is the standard binary format read by the program. A library called abflib allows you to create files in ABF.
A generic ASCII reader is now available which allows you to bring custom results directly into HyperView. The Altair ASCII format is useful for reading the results of any in-house or propriety codes which are saved in a generic format.
Batch mode allows you perform a series of operations outside the program interface.
External resources can be registered in preference files, session files, or Templex files. If an external resource is registered in a program session, it is automatically registered in the session file when the session is saved.
The HyperWorks Desktop scripting interface is a set of Tcl/Tk commands that follow a simple and consistent syntax.
Translators are utilities that are run from the command line of the operating system to convert various types of files into different formats.
XML commands in the Result Math Module.
Record playback workflows in HyperView.
These provide an overview of all additions, updates, and changes to the HyperMesh APIs for each release.
Details on the core data that can be queried and manipulated.
This API allows external applications to link HyperMesh as a library and provides a limited set of functions and structures to access specific functionality.
FE input readers are C programs that read information from ASCII or binary finite element models files into the HyperMesh database.
Details on the HMASCII format and associated commands.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks Desktop scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
The functionality of the HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command commands are available through Tcl. Additionally, commands that allow you to extract information from the HyperWorks Desktop database, such as entity ID numbers on a mark, a list of assemblies, component names, elements per component, nodes per element, node values, and so forth. These are known as HyperMesh Tcl Query Command commands. They are used to query information from the database or template system.
Tcl/Tk scripts can be run in several ways.
Commands that operate on the HyperMesh GUI widgets.
Commands that modify the HyperMesh database.
Commands that query the HyperMesh database.
Return the auto-tipping angle along Z axis for selected mesh.
Calculates and returns the draw bead forces.
Add children entities of lists in a mark.
Returns resolved link entity information.
Returns the part IDs for given attachments.
Returns the elements from the realized attachment.
Return the current state of an attachment.
Get information about all entities of the given type in the current model. A single call returns a list where every HyperMesh entity of the specified type (currently only assemblies, components, multibodies, materials, and properties are supported) is represented with a single list item. Each list item is identical to the return value of the command, hm_entityinfo all for that entity.
Provides an answer to the next command for Tcl scripts.
Appends entities on a mark based on user supplied options.
Returns the hierarchical structure of assemblies, and optionally standalone components and multibodies, along with properties, materials, groups and beamsection collectors.
Returns the entity type number of an entity attribute on an entity for the current template.
Returns the identifier flag of an attribute on an entity for the current template.
Returns an attribute ID from the attribute name for the current template.
Returns the entity type number of an indexed entity attribute on an entity.
Returns the entity type string of an indexed entity attribute on an entity.
Returns the identifier flag of an indexed attribute on an entity.
Returns the solver number of an indexed attribute on an entity.
Returns the status flag of an indexed attribute on an entity.
Returns the attribute type number of an indexed attribute on an entity.
Returns the attribute type string of an indexed attribute on an entity.
Returns a list of all attribute IDs or names assigned to a specific entity for the current template.
Returns a list of all attribute IDs, names, types or type names for the current template.
Returns an attribute name from the attribute ID for the current template.
Returns the number of times an entity is referenced as an entity attribute.
Returns the solver code and all values for a 1D array attribute on an entity.
Returns the attribute type number of an attribute for the current template.
Returns the attribute type string of an attribute for the current template.
Returns the bag configuration for the specified generic name.
Returns the types of entities inside a bag.
Returns the generic bag name for the specified configuration.
Returns a list of supported bag configurations.
Get a list of bag names or IDs of the specified bag configuration.
Exports Radioss Engine and Starter files.
Controls the update of the browsers.
Indicates if a card can be assigned to the entities on the mark for the current template.
Returns all custom details assigned to a connector.
Returns info on FE configurations for a specified solver, connector style and FE config file.
Returns the names or IDs of entities added to the connector that currently do not exist in the database.
Check if the connectors make projection. Returns the failed connector IDs.
Ends the process of reading a main connector file, triggered by hm_ce_read_mcf.
Returns, in a list, all connector data displayed in the table for a single connector on mark and as a list of lists for multiple connectors.
Returns certain details about a connector.
Returns the specific reason for the failed realization of a connector.
Gets the weld config defined for the connector.
Returns the weld config or the tolerance set to realize a connector.
Returns a list of connectors that are considered to be duplicates of other connectors, within a given tolerance.
Returns a name using a base name and connector include ID.
Returns a name using a base name and connector subsystem ID.
Returns specific FE entity type and ID(s) from a realized connector.
Returns the IDs of connectors not organized in any ConnectorGroup.
Gets the FE config name from a connector control or connector control default.
Returns connector control or connector control default information from a connector.
Returns a list of connector controls or connector control defaults.
Returns the location of the connector.
Returns the connector control default name and ID for an FE config.
Returns the group list for the absorbed mass connectors.
Returns specific weld ID(s) from a realized connector.
Returns the independent or dependent layer of feature elements.
Returns the connector projection data for a specific layer.
Returns the independent or dependent layer of nodes belonging to weld elements.
Get filtered config list for given connector style and type.
Gets the global shared entity management settings.
Get bolt holes information from components.
Returns specific type of entities IDs that are added to a connector.
Returns specific entity information for a connector.
Returns link info for a connector including entity type, IDs/names, locator rule and XYZs.
Returns the number of projection data stored in the array (size of array).
Returns the component ID for the projection data layer of interest.
Returns newly created component projection information for a given set of connectors, points, or nodes.
Returns the weld data list (types and IDs) for the given projection array index and weld array index.
Returns the number of welds created in a layer. This includes weld and rigids.
Returns the node ID for the projection data layer of interest.
Gets the realized test points from the connector.
Retruns resolved link entity information.
Returns the solver projection data.
Gets the test point(s) from the connector.
Gets the total number of layers to be connected.
Returns data which are not synchronized from the connectorcontrol assigned to a connector.
Returns a valid absolute path from a relative path.
Get global variables related to connector display.
Returns imprinted elements for a connector.
Returns the requested information from a specified connector entity.
Returns ordered projection information from links of spot connectors.
Returns a mesh imprint option value.
Sets a mesh imprint option value.
Returns the number of link entities for the connector.
Organizes displayed connectors into components by their definition.
Controls the creation of hexa elements for the ACM realization.
Begins the process of reading a main connector file.
Set the axis aligned with the welds for the coordinates systems created during realization process.
Returns the current connector state (unrealized, realized or failed).
Checks if connectors are too close to an edge.
Returns the type of a connector entity.
Returns connector information in XML format.
Determines if the specified entity exists on the specified mark
Checks proximity between elements/components.
Performs a collision detection.
Clear memory and end the collision detection module.
Adds entities to consider for collision detection.
Returns the entity details for an entity collision pair.
Returns the number of entity pairs for a component collision pair.
Returns the start and end coordinates of intersection line segments.
Returns the number of line segment for the component collision pair.
Returns the component IDs of a collision pair.
Returns the number of component collision pairs.
Returns flags to be used for configuration of the collision detection.
Initializes the collision detection module.
Enables the visualization of collision entities using one of various supported visualization modes.
Writes the current collision results to a file.
Clear memory and end the comparison module.
Generates comparison results for entities positioned at any location.
Generates comparison results for entities positioned at a specific location.
Generates recursive comparison results for entities positioned at any location.
Generates comparison results for entities rotated about a vector.
Generates comparison results for entities positioned at the same location. This must be preceded by a call to hm_compareinit.
Generates comparison results for entities positioned symmetrically about a plane.
Generates comparison results for entities translated along a vector.
Calculates the distance between all source and target entities.
Calculates the area values for all source and target entities.
Returns the comparison area of a specific component.
Returns the distance value for a specific distance index.
Returns the number of distances found.
Returns the entity ID for a specific distance index.
Returns the entity type for a specific distance index.
Returns the transformation index for a specific distance index.
Returns the number of transformations found.
Returns the number of matches for a specific transformation.
Returns the entity IDs associated with a specific transformation and match.
Returns the number of entities associated with a specific transformation and match.
Returns the type of entities associated with a specific transformation and match.
Returns the state of a specific transformation and match.
Returns the type of a specific transformation and match.
Returns the 4x4 transformation matrix for a specific transformation.
Initializes the comparison module.
Reads comparison data from a file into the comparison database.
Specifies the analysis mode for element-to-surface comparisons.
Specifies whether to consider element centroids for element-to-surface comparisons.
If enabled, the comparison module will cache extra pairwise data while performing comparisons between source and target.
Specifies whether to ignore holes and/or slots for 3D shell comparisons.
Regenerates facets on source and target surfaces for comparison purposes.
Sets the graphical review type for comparison results.
Sets the graphical review color for comparison results.
Sets the graphical review color for comparison results back to the defaults.
Sets the graphical review mode for comparison results.
Sets the graphical review types to show for comparison results.
Sets the graphical transparency mode for non-reviewed entities.
Writes the current comparison data to a file.
Writes a list of pairs of source and target components to an output file.
Writes the current comparison results to a file.
Returns 1 if an attribute exists, 0 otherwise.
Generates a DAT file from an OUT file.
Converts a mark to an ID range and returns the ID range list with comma separators.
Counts the entities in the database.
Places entities on a mark based on user-supplied options.
Returns the default status of an attribute.
Queries whether an attribute is defined on an entity.
Evaluates mesh patterns and connectivity on an input quad/mixed mesh, and output problem elements onto a mark.
Calculates the distance between two lists of encoded strings representing shapes of geometries.
Get a list of element IDs or types for the passed component.
Generate an encoded string representing the shape of a geometry.
Selects entities associated through groups.
Set the vector ID for the weld element.
Returns true if the passed entity type can be selected using the specified advanced method.
Returns the user-assigned entity type. The user-assigned entity type is set in the template.
Returns the number of entities in a collector.
Returns various information on entities.
Returns dirtiness status of an entity.
Returns a list of names or IDs of all entities of the requested type.
Returns the maximum internal ID in use for an entity type.
Returns the maximum solver ID in use for an entity type.
Returns the minimum internal ID in use for an entity type.
Returns the minimum solver ID in use for an entity type.
Records the IDs of the entities created while the recorder is enabled.
Returns the minimum and maximum thickness limits for thin solid geometry.
Evaluates a Python expression.
Removes entities from the base mark which are beyond the given distance or number of element rows from the entities on the target mark.
Exports the marked design points with ‘TargetPoint’ configuration to a CSV file.
Exports the entity default setting values to an XML file in the current working directory.
Exports the ID manager rules to a CSV or XML file.
Exports a Radioss optimization file.
Writes the fiber orientation vector for each element in a ply to a text file.
Returns the FE config file set for user-defined weld creation.
Returns the diameter value set for weld or property creation.
Returns the dvst file set for weld or property creation.
Returns the width vs thickness file for seam welds.
Set the FE configuration file for user-defined welds.
Set the diameter versus thickness file for user-defined welds.
Sets the width vs thickness file for seam welds.
Finds advanced selection entities and separates them into selection method specific groups.
Find the center and the radius of a circle that lies on three 2D points.
For a given point on a line, returns the closest other point on that same line.
For a given point on a surface, returns the closest other point on that same surface.
Returns patches of connected elements.
Finds the deviation between two CAD geometries and returns a list of component pairs along with the deviation data.
Returns the list of narrow surfaces, including large surfaces with narrow tails or local narrow neck regions.
Finds a polygonal path that connects all given input elements. This path takes into consideration the local mesh flow when defining a polygon.
Finds nodes which lie on or within shells or solid faces, or which can be projected on to those shells or solid faces along a vector or element normal.
From a point, find the corresponding two tangent points on a circle.
Finds and returns the proximate solid pairs for a given set of selected solids.
Clear memory and ends the flange detection module.
Executes the flange detection tools.
Executes the flange mating tools.
Returns details about a specific flange.
Returns indices of flanges that directly mate with the specified flange.
Returns offset boundary points for a given flange.
Returns the entities for two mating flanges.
Returns the members of a mating group.
Returns the number of found flanges.
Returns the number of found flange mating 'groups'.
Initializes the flange detection module.
Defines parameters for finding flanges in both geometry and FE.
Forms ordered node lists from a mark of nodes.
Finds and returns the symmetry transformation matrix and matched / unmatched surfaces between two selections.
Returns the test values from the Check Elems panel.
Returns a list {x y z} which describes the given entity’s absolute rotation. If HyperMesh is unable to locate the associated systems, the list will contain three empty members.
Returns the active plot control ID for a particular result plot type.
Queries the result values on entities for the active plot control.
Returns the active subcase ID and simulation step ID.
Returns the IDs of the addendum surfaces.
Returns the faces adjacent to the specified face.
Returns the surfaces adjacent to the specified surface.
Returns a list of valid advanced selection strings for the specified entity type and mode.
Returns the names of the primary and all the secondary models.
Identifies groups of connected components and free parts within selected components.
Returns the angle between three nodes/points.
Returns the area of a surface.
Returns information about solid elements attached to shell element faces.
Returns the average element size for shell elements.
Calculates the reduced volume of axisymmetric solids.
Returns the gradient background type.
Query the values of global mesh parameters.
Returns the center and radius of the best fit circle from the input nodes, points or lines.
Returns the IDs of the binder surfaces.
Returns the bounding box of the specified entities.
Returns the bounding box for a predefined box trim cut.
Returns information about certain options supported by a card image.
This command returns the IDs (from the CARDINPUTLIST) for the entity type specified.
Returns the geometric centroid for selected entities.
Returns the global flags currently being used for switching of some default modes for geometry autocleanup, element cleanup and element QI smoothing.
Separates thin closed-shell meshes into top and bottom layers.
Returns the ID of the closest node to the point (x,y,z). Zero is returned if there are no nodes in the database.
Find the shortest distance between a line and a surface, and return line and surface points corresponding to this distance.
Find the shortest distance between two lines and return line points corresponding to this distance.
Returns the mass center-of-gravity coordinates for the selected entities.
Returns the name of a collector.
Returns the full path and file name of the command file.
Returns a list indicating the entity config, type and count values that are contained in a collector.
Returns a list indicating the entity config and type values that are contained in a collector.
Returns lists of 2D shell elements and nodes that form t-connections or share edges at component boundaries.
Detects and categorizes connections involving 3D elements and provides a list of entities involved in the connections.
Finds coordinates of a point that belongs to one of surfaces in input set and is a closest point to the location specified in command input.
Gets the coordinates of the points for which normalized parameters are specified, along with the ID of the line on which they are located, as arguments to the command.
Query the values of global mesh quality criteria.
Finds entities that reference the specified entity.
Finds entities that reference the entities on the specified mark.
Returns the name of the current model.
Returns a list of available data components for a specific result subcase and data type.
Returns a list of available layers for a specific result subcase and data type.
Returns the default card image for the specified entity type for the current template/profile.
Returns the unique associated entities for the components on a mark.
Returns the diameter for the specified thickness from the DVST file.
Returns the die display attribute.
Returns the IDs of the die part surfaces.
Returns the shape ID of the die part.
Returns the distance between two nodes/points relative to a local coordinate system.
Gets the distance of the given point from the nearest line with IDs specified as arguments.
Gets the distance of the given point from the nearest of the surfaces with IDs specified as arguments.
Returns the IDs of the draw bar surfaces.
Returns the attributes of the drawbar or drawbead created by the die module.
Returns the IDs of the draw bead surfaces.
Returns a list of lists containing duplicate elements.
Returns surface and element entities of specific connection types.
Returns surface and element boundary entities of specific connection types, and assumes any non-selected entities do not exist.
Returns all surface edges connected to a specified vertex point.
Returns the lower and upper bound values of the specified element check from the selected elements.
Returns the elements from within a selection that match the specified element check criteria.
Returns the 3D solid element quality summary.
Returns the check value for elements from within a selection.
Returns the method (solver) currently being used for calculating specific element quality checks.
Returns the list of methods being used for calculating specific element quality checks.
Returns the normal vector of the specified element vertex/edge/face.
Computes quality parameters for the specified selection of elements.
Returns lists of shell element volumes and baffle elements in each volume.
Returns a list of dirty entities for an entity type.
Returns specified entities within boxes.
Returns the alias for a specified entity type.
Returns the full HyperMesh entity type name for the passed entity type partial or short name.
Returns information about entity bundles.
Returns a list of card images for the specified entity type and card image organizational type defined in the current template.
Returns a valid entity ID that can be used to renumber both the creating and mapping entities.
Returns definition information for an entity, either corresponding to the data name specified or all data names for that entity.
Returns the full HyperMesh entity type name for the passed entity type ID.
Returns the ID of the root entity for a given modular entity type.
Returns the HyperWorks Desktop entity type ID for the passed entity type name.
Returns the alias name for a specified entity type in the current user profile.
Returns a list of card image types defined in the current template for the specified entity type.
Returns the display name for the specified entity type.
Returns a list of entity types based on the specified option.
Returns the list of entity types that exist in the current database.
Gets the faces with an area smaller or equal to the specified value.
Gets the faces that have an edge with a length smaller or equal to the specified value.
Gets all faces connected to the edge whose ID is supplied as the argument.
Gets faces contained in the surface whose ID is supplied as the argument.
Gets all faces connected to the point whose ID is supplied as the argument.
Returns the faces containing fillets with a radius inside a range.
Returns the faces containing fillets with a selected profile edge.
Returns the faces containing fillets with a radius inside a range, only considering specific faces.
Returns the IDs of the flange lines.
Identify and return information on thin solid surface groups.
Get a list of associated nodes from the set of geometric entities.
Returns the topology type of a geometric entity.
Returns the list of all surfaces, lines and points for which the topological stitch distance exceeds the input tolerance.
Returns the full HyperMesh entity type name with GUI style capitalization for the passed entity type ID.
Returns the maximum number of steps allowed to be recorded in the history.
Returns the maximum amount of memory allowed to be used for recording history.
Returns the current amount of memory used for recording history.
Returns the user profile information saved in the HyperMesh database.
Returns the binary file version string for a specified HyperMesh database.
Returns the ID pool number for a given solver and ID pool name.
Returns a list of pool IDs or names for the specified entity type.
Returns a list of pool names based on the specified entity type and solver ID range.
Selects entities and returns the entity types contained in a specified include file.
Returns the entities referenced/cross-referenced by the selected components, for include file organization purposes.
Returns a list of include IDs or names.
Returns the include file IDs marked as dirty since the last export.
Selects entities and returns the entity types contained in specified include files.
Returns a unique incremental name from a specified base name and one or more entity types.
Returns the current import offset ID value for the specified entity type.
Returns the internal HyperMesh ID for a solver ID and solver ID pool.
Returns the internal HyperMesh IDs for a list of solver IDs and a solver ID pool.
Returns the internal name for the specified pool string/pool ID and solver name.
Finds the coordinates of the point on the line that is at a given arc-length distance from another point on the line
Returns the components of the line end point.
Returns the angle between two lines at one of their intersection points.
For a given line, test point, and distance, this command finds all of the line points that are at the specified distance from the test point.
Returns the components of the line start point.
Returns the closest point, the components of the tangent vector and the angle between the tangent vector and the z-axis at the point on the line closest to the input coordinates.
Returns the components of the tangent vector and the angle between the tangent vector and the z-axis at the line end point.
Returns the components of the tangent vector and the angle between the tangent vector and the z-axis at the line start point.
Returns the line type.
Returns an ordered list of entities from an entity list.
Returns the IDs of the latitude lines.
Queries entity locks.
Returns the entity IDs of the passed entity type on the specified mark.
Returns a list of lists containing the populated entity type and entity IDs for the specified mark.
Returns a list of entity types that have entities populated on the specified mark.
Returns the entity IDs from the specified table.
Returns the mass, volume and area of the selected elements or components.
Performs a comparison and returns matching results.
Given 4x4 transformation matrices M1 and M2, return the 4x4 matrix representing M1-1M2.
Returns the approximate maximum distance between a pair of node lists.
Returns system memory information.
Returns all of the relevant automesh settings applied to that surface edge.
Returns all of the relevant automesh settings applied to that surface face.
Returns the number of volumes and lists containing the element IDs and volume indices for each input element.
Returns method information from the stress tool .
Returns information related to geometric midsurfaces.
Returns the name of the component in the model that contains middle surfaces and no other surfaces.
Finds the list of untied nodes after a Model Checker run.
Returns the function name for a given check.
Returns the result for a given check.
Returns the status for a given check.
Returns the correction names for a given check.
Returns the function for a given correction.
Returns the value for a given correction.
Returns the default model check config file for a profile.
Returns check display names.
Returns the entity type for the specified Model Check check display name.
Returns the number of entities failing a given model checker check.
Returns the entity IDs for the specified Model Check check display name.
Returns the list of entity types that have checks.
Returns model check values for level, limit, criteria and attributes.
Returns the tensorial moment-of-inertia values for the selected entities.
Calculate and return the 3 moment of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz) and 3 product of inertia (Ixy/Iyx, Iyz/Izy, Ixz/Izx) values (MOI) for a single solid geometric entity.
Finds all the multi-level reference entities for the entities specified on the input mark.
Returns the path to the current user’s "My Documents" folder on Windows.
Finds entities nearby entities on an input mark.
Gets the thickness of the node whose ID is given as the argument.
Get the simplest geometry entity associated with the node.
Returns the node position on the initial associated geometry.
Returns the nodes on the input components that are shared by other components.
Returns the list of occupied IDs in a specific range.
Returns the offset value of the specified element.
Returns the offset Z0 value of the specified element.
Returns the value of certain HyperMesh options.
Returns a 4x4 matrix corresponding to the moment directions of the input.
Returns a list of planar face IDs.
Returns the maximum and minimum points of a plane cross-section virtual intersection with entities.
Returns the IDs of the POL lines.
Returns the alias name for a specified pool ID in current user profile.
Returns the split name as prefix, base name and suffix for the specified component name and separator.
Returns the principal axes direction cosines for the selected entities.
Returns the ID of the connector from the FE weld data array for a given index.
Returns the time step calculated from QEPH elements in a component.
Returns element size info for a quality criteria file.
Checks the status of the quality criteria.
Returns the history actions on the redo list.
Finds entities that are referenced by the specified entity.
Finds entities that are referenced by the entities on the specified mark.
Returns the component pairing for part replacement.
Query information about a part replace preview operation.
Returns results data.
Returns the IDs of the rib lines.
Returns information regarding proximity overlap between a selection of components or elements.
Queries the information about the entities present in the sketch.
Returns a list of bounding surface IDs, one list for each set of bounding surfaces found, or nothing if there is not a valid closed bounds found.
Returns the mappable state of the specified solid.
Returns the list of solid IDs associated with a specified surface ID.
Returns information regarding proximity overlap between one/more solid cavity element(s) and structural components.
Returns the name or ID of the solver as provided by the template *codename() command.
Returns a list of solver cards (template tags) for either the specified entity type or solver ID pool.
Returns the profile name for an FE input file.
Returns the solver ID and pool name for the specified HyperMesh internal ID.
Returns the solver ID and pool name for the specified HyperMesh internal ID.
Returns the solver IDs and pool names for the specified HyperMesh internal IDs.
Queries whether the current solver profile supports segment sets.
Returns a list of matching component IDs which have the same prefix-base-suffix name in the original model and an incoming model.
Returns a list of available data types for a specific result subcase.
Returns information about the curvature of surfaces attached to edges.
Get a list of edges associated with a specified ID.
Gets the surface containing the face whose ID is supplied as the argument.
Gets the normals of the surfaces connected to the node or point whose ID is given as the argument.
Returns the closest point and the components of the normal vector at the point on the surface closest to the input coordinates.
Gets the surfaces with an area smaller or equal to the specified value.
Gets the surfaces that have an edge with a length smaller or equal to the specified value.
Gets all surfaces connected to the edge whose ID is supplied as the argument.
Returns the list of surface IDs associated with a specified solid ID.
Gets all surfaces connected to the point whose ID is supplied as the argument.
Finds the angle, measured in degrees, between two surfaces.
Returns the midsurface thickness and offset values for nodes, points, or elements.
Returns the nearest surface u,v coordinate from a given x, y, z location.
Returns the line coordinates and tangents at each of the given line u parameters.
Returns the thickness of the specified component, element or property.
Finds elements or components tied to nodes, elements, components or contactsurfs.
Returns the IDs of the trim lines.
Returns the ID of the tracks.
Returns the IDs of the trimmed binder surfaces.
Returns the type for a specified pool ID in the current user profile.
Returns the entity types that are enabled for name pool.
Returns a list of entity types that currently have unresolved IDs.
Returns the history actions on the undo list.
Places the unmeshed surfaces from the input mark onto the output mark.
Saves to the user list the unoffsetable nodes. Useful for CFD BL meshing.
Returns entities that are referring to an unresolved ID.
Returns the unresolved IDs for a specific entity type.
Returns empty or unused entities.
Returns the entity IDs of the passed entity type from the user mark.
Returns the parametric uv coordinate bounds associated with the referenced surface.
Returns the parametric uv coordinates at a node location on the referenced surface.
Returns the parametric uv vectors at a node, point or xyz location on the referenced surface.
Queries data names, attributes, and metadata on entities.
Get surface edge endpoints.
Finds the volume of a solid entity specified by the solid entity’s ID.
Returns the collectors that fully contain the input entities.
Returns a list of points, from the first input point to the third input point, that trace a convex path across the specified entities.
Returns the hierarchical structure of assemblies, components and multibodies, along with properties, materials, groups and beamsection collectors.
Writes out to files a summary of the unsupported commands contained inside .tcl script files.
Writes out to a file the commands that are supported for history.
Clear memory and ends the hole/tube detection module.
Executes the hole/tube detection tools.
Executes the hole/tube mating tools.
Returns details about a specific hole/tube.
Returns details about a specific query for a hole/tube.
Returns details about a specific hole/tube mating 'group'.
Returns the number of found holes/tubes.
Returns the number of found hole/tube mating 'groups'.
Returns the ID of washer elements layer-wise.
Returns the hole index for a given node or line.
Initializes the hole/tube detection module.
Defines the entities to consider for hole/tube detection.
Defines parameters for finding 2D holes in both geometry and FE.
Defines parameters for finding tubes in both geometry and FE.
Query general information about HyperMesh options and paths.
Find the intersection point of two lines.
Query if the current model is primary or secondary.
Informs if automatic dirtiness detection is enabled for the entity type.
Determines if a specific data name or attribute is parameterized.
Determines if a particular entity type is supported for a certain action.
Returns the history support level for the specified command.
Checks whether a point is inside the volume of a solid geometry.
Checks whether a point is inside the volume of a solid element.
Checks whether the given surface can be mapped or not and returns the map shape and vertices of the shape.
This command returns 1, for control cards if it is a string array card, else it returns 0.
Add a new server.
Authenticates a server.
Reports if a job can be submitted on the current server without authentication.
Edits an already existing server.
Returns the list of applications available for a given server.
Returns the present status of a job on a server.
Returns the name, IP and port of a server.
Returns the list of servers added by HyperWorks Desktop.
Returns the list of servers added by all applications.
Returns the list of versions available for a given application in a server.
Removes a server.
Sets a server as current.
Sets a service property for the PBS-sensor.
To explicitly start the PBS-sensor services.
Submits a BatchMesh job to the server.
Submits a HyperStudy job to the server.
Submits a OptiStruct job to the server.
Kills a running job.
Returns the ID of the last created entity.
Get the list of ordered 1D elements associated with input free lines for the given tolerance.
Get the list of ordered nodes associated with input free lines for the given tolerance.
Returns the sum of lengths of the lines whose IDs are given as arguments.
Fast unfolding of a given set of connected shell elements onto a plane.
Selects geometric entities by feature-based parameters.
Clear all entity IDs of the passed entity type from the specified mark.
Clear all entity IDs for all entity types from the specified mark.
Returns the number of entities on the specified mark.
Removes entities from the specified mark.
Defines the ID/name search order for *appendmark and *createmark.
Creates a named mark table and populates it with the entities on a mark.
Returns the first-level children module IDs.
Returns all of the entity types and IDs contained in a module.
Returns the entity IDs of a specific entity type contained in a module.
Returns the module ID an entity belongs to.
Returns the list of module IDs for a given UID.
Returns the recursive list of parent module IDs.
Returns the session-level root module ID.
Measures the shortest distance between two entity selections.
Measures the shortest distance between a coordinate location and an entity selection.
Query the HyperMesh database for metadata.
Determines if an auto correction is required for a given check.
Saves the config data to an XML file.
Get a mark of hierarchical children entities from a modular entity.
Returns a list of options that control the behavior of add/move/remove operations for a modular entity.
Returns a list of entity types contained in a modular entity.
Returns a mark of entities which are contents of a modular entity.
Returns the hierarchical modular entity parent of a specific entity.
Returns the list of includes that are managed by a subsystem.
Returns a list of modular entities modified after a representation has been realized.
Returns the number of modular entity representations available, and those realized.
Returns the angle between two specified edge domains. Optional argument allows the user to input a normal vector to be used to measure the angle.
Returns the arc angle of a specified edge domain. Optional arguments allow the arc angle to be calculated using a line, node, or base point and axis to find the center of curvature.
Returns the length of a specified edge domain. Optional argument allows the user to input a vector along which to measure the length.
Returns the radius of a specified edge domain. Optional arguments allow the radius to be calculated using a line, node, or base point and axis to find the center of curvature.
Returns the domain IDs for the specified handle.
Returns the node ID for the specified handle.
Returns certain options/values from HyperMorph.
Returns the morph volume edge ID for the specified nodes along the edge.
Returns the IDs of the nodes along a specified morph volume edge.
Returns the morph volume face ID for the specified morph volume and nodes along the edges of that face.
Returns the handle ID for the specified node if a handle exists at that node.
Identifies changes in the database relevant to HyperMorph entities and calls the necessary commands to update those HyperMorph entities.
Returns all search paths, and runs a specified procedure for each path.
Returns the closest point to a specific point on a finite segment.
Returns the closest point to a specific point on a segment.
Finds the projection point to a specific point on a segment along a specific direction.
Clears the proximity calculation data and memory.
Returns a specific proximity element pair for a specific component pair.
Returns the number of element pairs for a specific component pair.
Returns a specific proximity component pair.
Returns the number of proximity component pairs.
Returns the proximity distance for a given element.
Checks the proximity between elements or components, and stores the results internally.
Checks the proximity between elements or components, allowing the user to specify the target, and stores the results internally.
Marks the element pairs for a specific component pair.
Marks all the source elements within proximity to the given mark.
Marks all the target elements within proximity to the given mark.
Removes the die attribute from an entity.
Runs a HyperMesh command file specified by a complete path and filename.
Store the entity IDs of the passed entity type on the user mark.
Sets the die attribute for an entity.
Sets the run status for the specified Model Check check display name.
Sets the applied status for the specified Model Check correction display name.
Sets the entity IDs for the specified Model Check check display name.
Sets theHyperMesh solver interface name in order to access entity information available for that solver.
Converts a model from one solver to another.
Appends the contents of a HyperMesh table to another HyperMesh table of the same entity type. Creates a destination table if it does not exist.
Clear a table (all memory is freed).
Clear all tables (all memory is freed).
Makes a copy of the HyperMesh table. Overwrites destination table.
Finds the difference of two HyperMesh tables of the same entity type (subtracts the contents of the second table from the first table) and places the result in the first table.
Finds subset of entities common to two HyperMesh tables of the same entity type and places it into the first table.
List the names of all tables created by marktotable.
Search a table for an entity ID. The constant 1 is returned if the ID is found. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
Append the entity IDs from the named table to the specified mark.
Get the cosine angle of two vectors.
Returns the supported undefined matching criteria for a given entity type.
Updates the failed values for the model check entity.
Plots engineering loads referenced by a load collector.
Checks front and rear entities for validity.
Clear memory and end the WAD lines module.
Returns the coordinates of the adult test zone boundary.
Returns the coordinates of the child test zone boundary.
Creates the debug lines used to create different types of reference lines, and returns the coordinates.
Returns coordinate data defining WAD grid points.
Returns grid points for either upper or lower leg impact analysis.
Returns the averaged points for the internal bumper line as a series of x, y, and z values.
Returns a series of three doubles denoting the points for the line calculated by the previous call to hm_wadlinesgetgridpointsleg.
Returns coordinate data defining WAD reference lines.
Returns the most outward intercept of a cross section of the model as measured in a given direction.
Returns coordinate data defining a WAD line.
Returns coordinate data defining a line made by the measuring tape running from the ground to the specified WAD point along the vehicle.
Initializes the WAD lines module.
Returns whether a point is inside a test zone by taking in the coordinates of the zone boundary.
Sets the entities for the internal bumper components used for the internal bumper reference line and upper/lower leg grid point generation.
Sets the front entities to be used to create the bonnet rear reference line.
Sets the entities used for a WAD lines analysis.
Sets the entities for the hood used to create the reference line.
Sets various WAD lines module options.
Sets basic parameters for a WAD lines analysis.
Sets the origin and coordinate axes for a WAD lines analysis.
Sets the rear entities (windshield) to be used to create the bonnet rear reference line.
Sets the wiper entities for a WAD lines analysis.
Writes out the Mesh Control template file.
Sets the state of writing certain view commands to the command file.
Returns the coordinates of a node relative to a local coordinate system.
Returns the global components of a vector defined at a node and relative to a local coordinate system.
Returns the local components of a vector defined at a node and relative to the global coordinate system.
Transforms a coordinate into a local system and returns the x value of the transformed point.
Transforms a vector into a local system and returns the x value of the transformed vector.
Transforms a coordinate into a local system and returns the y value of the transformed point.
Transforms a vector into a local system and returns the y value of the transformed vector.
Transforms a coordinate into a local system and returns the z value of the transformed point.
Transforms a vector into a local system and returns the z value of the transformed vector.
Query information from a currently connected library.
The list of deprecated Tcl query commands, and the new commands to use.
The list of undocumented Tcl query commands.
Documentation on the commands that control the Utility menu.
Solver templates are ASCII data files containing HyperMesh Template Language Commands and HyperMesh Template Language Functions.
The Script and Model Library is a database of freely accessible scripts and models posted by users and Altair engineers.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks Desktop scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Commands that query the HyperMesh database.
Returns the ID of the tracks.
Returns the ID of the tracks.
HyperMesh Tcl Query Command
Returns the ID of the tracks.
To get the IDs of the tracks.
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