Gets a movie handle.
HyperWorks Tcl Query
This procedure implements minus options.
This procedure returns a movie handle of HyperGraph/HyperView/MotionView.
If no page ID is requested, then it operates on the current/active page.
If no window ID is given, then it returns the client of the active window.
The GetClient function can check for a particular client type. To do this, use the option "-type". If the check fails, then an error is returned.
The option "-byHandle" is an exclusive option (no other minus options are allowed).
Mandatory Arguments
Optional Arguments
- -page "pageID"
- The page ID of the requested page.
- -window "windowID"
- The window ID of the requested window.
- -id "the movie id"
- Default = 1.
Returns a movie handle.
set movieHandle [::hwp::GetMovie -page 2 -window 3]