The user interface (UI) provides a consistent look and feel when you are working with the following: HyperMesh, HyperView, MotionView, HyperGraph, HyperGraph 3D, TextView or MediaView.
The Plane and Vector selector is used in many panels, the Entity Editor or dialogs to define a plane or a vector (direction) to perform a certain function.
The calculator is designed using "reverse Polish" notation, meaning that you enter the value that you wish to apply
first, and then click the operation that you wish to perform.
The mouse attached to your system is integral to HyperWorks Desktop and can be used in almost every aspect of user input. Some operations require pressing a keyboard key in
addition to using the mouse.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as
corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
The Color Palette is used in many panels, browsers, the Entity Editor, and dialogs to
specify the color of an entity.
This Color attribute is generally indicated by a small colored box next to the entity
name; clicking on this box opens a Color Palette from which you can select a new color
for that entity. Figure 1.
If you have multiple entities selected, you can click to automatically assign unique colors to
Note: Auto color is not available from the Entity Editor.
You can also click to assign and save custom colors.
When specifying arguments within certain macro script commands, 64 individual colors are
supported. Each of these colors has a specific number assigned to it. You can use color
arguments to select colors for entities without having to use the Color Palette. Use the
charts shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3
to determine the integer value for a color argument. Figure 2. HyperWorks Desktop Color Palette Figure 3. HyperMesh and Engineering Solutions Color Palette