Package Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​Adaptors
Package with adaptors (especially useful for FMUs)


This package contains partial adaptors to implement adaptors in various domains between a physical connector and a signal representation of the connector signals. This component is used to provide a pure signal interface around a physical model and export this model in form of an input/output block, especially as FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit).

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​InterfacesPackage (Icon for packages containing interfaces).

Package Contents

FlowToPotentialAdaptorSignal adaptor for a connector with flow, 1st derivative of flow, and 2nd derivative of flow as inputs and potential, 1st derivative of potential, and 2nd derivative of potential as outputs (especially useful for FMUs)
FunctionsFunctions for adaptors
PotentialToFlowAdaptorSignal adaptor for a connector with potential, 1st derivative of potential, and 2nd derivative of potential as inputs and flow, 1st derivative of flow, and 2nd derivative of flow as outputs (especially useful for FMUs)
ReceiveBooleanObsolete block to receive Boolean signal from bus
ReceiveIntegerObsolete block to receive Integer signal from bus
ReceiveRealObsolete block to receive Real signal from bus
SendBooleanObsolete block to send Boolean signal to bus
SendIntegerObsolete block to send Integer signal to bus
SendRealObsolete block to send Real signal to bus

Partial Model Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​Adaptors.​FlowToPotentialAdaptor
Signal adaptor for a connector with flow, 1st derivative of flow, and 2nd derivative of flow as inputs and potential, 1st derivative of potential, and 2nd derivative of potential as outputs (especially useful for FMUs)


Adaptor between a physical connector and a signal representation of the connector signals. This component is used to provide a pure signal interface around a physical model and export this model in form of an input/output block, especially as FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit).

This adaptor has flow, optional 1st derivative of flow, and optional 2nd derivative of flow as input and potential, optional 1st derivative of potential, and optional 2nd derivative of potential as output signals.

Note, the input signals must be consistent to each other (fder=der(f), fder2=der(fder)).


Booleanuse_pdertrueUse output for 1st derivative of potential
Booleanuse_pder2trueUse output for 2nd derivative of potential (only if 1st derivate is used, too)
Booleanuse_fdertrueUse input for 1st derivative of flow
Booleanuse_fder2trueUse input for 2nd derivative of flow (only if 1st derivate is used, too)


output RealOutputpOutput for potential
output RealOutputpderOptional output for der(potential)
output RealOutputpder2Optional output for der2(potential)
input RealInputfInput for flow
input RealInputfderOptional input for der(flow)
input RealInputfder2Optional input for der2(flow)

Partial Model Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​Adaptors.​PotentialToFlowAdaptor
Signal adaptor for a connector with potential, 1st derivative of potential, and 2nd derivative of potential as inputs and flow, 1st derivative of flow, and 2nd derivative of flow as outputs (especially useful for FMUs)


Adaptor between a physical connector and a signal representation of the connector signals. This component is used to provide a pure signal interface around a physical model and export this model in form of an input/output block, especially as FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit).

This adaptor has potential, optional 1st derivative of potential, and optional 2nd derivative of potential as input and flow, optional 1st derivative of flow, and optional 2nd derivative of flow as output signals.

Note, the input signals must be consistent to each other (pder=der(p), pder2=der(pder)).


Booleanuse_pdertrueUse input for 1st derivative of potential
Booleanuse_pder2trueUse input for 2nd derivative of potential (only if 1st derivate is used, too)
Booleanuse_fdertrueUse output for 1st derivative of flow
Booleanuse_fder2trueUse output for 2nd derivative of flow (only if 1st derivate is used, too)


input RealInputpInput for potential
input RealInputpderOptional input for der(potential)
input RealInputpder2Optional input for der2(potential)
output RealOutputfOutput for flow
output RealOutputfderOptional output for der(flow)
output RealOutputfder2Optional output for der2(flow)

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​Adaptors.​SendReal
Obsolete block to send Real signal to bus


Obsolete block that was previously used to connect a Real signal to a signal in a connector. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.

It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ObsoleteModel (Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions).


output RealOutputtoBusOutput signal to be connected to bus
input RealInputuInput signal to be send to bus

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​Adaptors.​SendBoolean
Obsolete block to send Boolean signal to bus


Obsolete block that was previously used to connect a Boolean signal to a signal in a connector. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.

It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ObsoleteModel (Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions).


output BooleanOutputtoBusOutput signal to be connected to bus
input BooleanInputuInput signal to be send to bus

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​Adaptors.​SendInteger
Obsolete block to send Integer signal to bus


Obsolete block that was previously used to connect an Integer signal to a signal in a connector. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.

It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ObsoleteModel (Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions).


output IntegerOutputtoBusOutput signal to be connected to bus
input IntegerInputuInput signal to be send to bus

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​Adaptors.​ReceiveReal
Obsolete block to receive Real signal from bus


Obsolete block that was previously used to connect a Real signal in a connector to an input of a block. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.

It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ObsoleteModel (Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions).


input RealInputfromBusTo be connected with signal on bus
output RealOutputyOutput signal to be received from bus

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​Adaptors.​ReceiveBoolean
Obsolete block to receive Boolean signal from bus


Obsolete block that was previously used to connect a Boolean signal in a connector to an input of a block. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.

It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ObsoleteModel (Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions).


input BooleanInputfromBusTo be connected with signal on bus
output BooleanOutputyOutput signal to be received from bus

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​Adaptors.​ReceiveInteger
Obsolete block to receive Integer signal from bus


Obsolete block that was previously used to connect an Integer signal in a connector to an input of a block. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.

It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ObsoleteModel (Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions).


input IntegerInputfromBusTo be connected with signal on bus
output IntegerOutputyOutput signal to be received from bus