The Compose Notebook is a web-based implementation of Compose’s OpenMatrix Language (OML) into a Jupyter Notebook. Notebooks (see are a powerful way to execute and demonstrate scripted languages.
Use the Signal Viewer to import and treat (basic) signals in both time and frequency domains, as well as generate
signals based on the most common waveforms such as step, chirp and sawtooth.
Create a basic description of the extension in .xml format, name it
plugin, and save it to the extensions
folder: <username>/Documents/Altair/extensions/plugin.xml.
The .xml file contains the relevant information for the software to identify the
plugin in the Extension Manager:
Location of Extensions
By default, the extensions are automatically detected when saved to
<username>/Documents/Altair/extensions/, but you can
also add other search paths.
If an extension is placed at this path, the software programmatically recognizes it
the next time the software is invoked:
Custom Help
You can create custom documentation and display it from your plugin:
Select: Details > View Documentation.
Create a Help page in HTML format, name it with the name given in the
plugin.xml file and save it to this directory: