Finds all objects that have a property named propertyName and the value for such property is propertyValue. findall performs the same search as findobj but includes objects for which 'handlevisibility' property is set to 'off' and their children.
Creates an elliptical shape on the figure.
Creates a surface and a set of 3D lines defined by the x, y, and z matrices.
Creates a new figure for plotting and uicontrols.
Creates 2D filled in polygons of range x and y and color c.
Finds all objects that have a property named propertyName and the value for such property is propertyValue. findall performs the same search as findobj but includes objects for which 'handlevisibility' property is set to 'off' and their children.
Finds all objects which have a property named propertyName and the value for such property is propertyValue.
Creates a button group in a figure to group radio buttons.
Creates a context menu that is displayed with a right-click for a figure, uitab, or select uicontrol objects.
Creates a menu item in a context menu that is displayed with a right-click for a figure, uitab, or select uicontrol objects.
Creates interactive graphical control objects in a figure. Use the 'style' property of uicontrol to create different types of control objects.