How to Get the Steps of a Scenario?
Some API have been implemented to allow the user to select steps to quickly postprocess. All methods have been added on the structure SCENARIO.
API list
- isPostprocessingOK()
- getValuesParameter()
- getIndexStep (String[] parameterNames, double[] values)
- selectIndexStep(int index)
- selectFirstStep()
- selectLastStep()
- selectNextStep()
- existNextStep()
- isValidStep(int index)
- Initial state: the scenario exists
- Input: none
- Output:
- valid: an integer (0 or 1) for (is not OK or OK)
- Final state: no change
- Initial state: the scenario is solved and is multi step
- Input: none
- Output:
- a dictionary {key=<String>parameterName, values = <double>parameterValues}
- Final state: return all parameters values except if scenario has no parameter
- Initial state: the scenario is solved and is multi step
- Input (use the dictionary obtained by getValuesParameter)
- parameterName: String array dim N (N <= parameter number in the scenario)
- parameterValue: a double array dim N (N < = parameter number in the scenario)
- Output:
- an integer array corresponding to step index
- Final state: no change
- Initial state: the scenario is solved and is multi step
- Input (use the integer array gets by getIndexStep)
- index: the index of step
- Output: none
- Final state: the project is changed on the required step
- Initial state: the scenario is solved and is multi step
- Input: none
- Output: none
- Final state: the project is changed on the first step scenario
- Initial state: the scenario is solved and is multi step
- Input: none
- Output: none
- Final state: the project is changed on the last step scenario
- Initial state: the scenario is solved
- Input: none
- Output: none
- Final state: the project is changed on a step of the scenario
- Initial state: the scenario is solved
- Input: none
- Output:
- exist: an integer (0 or 1) for (no exist or exist)
- Final state: no change
- Initial state: the scenario is solved
- Input (use the integer array gets by getIndexStep)
- index: the index of step
- Output:
- state: an integer (0 or 1) for (invalid or valid)
- Final state: no change