Flux2022.2 is available with new features, corrections and improvements. It is a completely independent version. It is installed
by default in its own directory. It can not be installed on top of Flux 2022 and or Flux2022.1 (overwrite installation is blocked).
Flux2022.1 is available with new features, corrections and improvements. It is a completely independent version. It is installed
by default in its own directory. It can not be installed on top of Flux 2022 (overwrite installation is blocked).
Flux2021.2 is available with new features, corrections and improvements. It is a completely independent version. It is installed
by default in its own directory. It can not be installed on top of Flux 2021 (overwrite installation is blocked).
Flux2021.1 is available with new features, corrections and improvements. It is a completely independent version. It is installed
by default in its own directory. It can not be installed on top of Flux 2021 (overwrite installation is blocked).
Flux Skew is a module dedicated to the analysis of rotating electric machines with skewing, allowing a straightforward
geometric and physical description in 2D and the consideration of continuous or step skewing effects.
Flux PEEC is a 3D modeling module dedicated to electrical interconnections of power electronics devices. It also
provides RLC extraction and generation of SPICE-like equivalent circuits.
Flux provides a unified Material Identification tool based on the Altair Compose environment allowing to run an identification
of the coefficients required to create material in Flux.
AMDC is a comprehensive material database maintained by Altair and partner suppliers of engineering materials. Ready-to-use,
Flux-compatible models may be obtained directly from this database for a growing number of materials.
This documentation deals with the Jython script used in Flux and allows to understand the various structures of
entities and functions, and use it in user scripts for example.
Flux2021.2 is available with new features, corrections and improvements. It is a completely independent version. It is installed
by default in its own directory. It can not be installed on top of Flux 2021 (overwrite installation is blocked).
Generalized projective method to compute forces in the Import / Export data
A new method called Generalized projective method to create force collections
is available in Flux 2021.2 in the Import / Export data context. This kind of
collection allows to compute forces on a generic mesh (i.e., a set of points) with
the aim to be exported to OptiStruct to setup a NVH analysis of electrical devices,
such as rotating machines. This method and then the collection created may be seen
as an extension of the Simplified projective method dedicated to rotating
machines previously named Force collection dedicated to rotating
This approach is based on two data supports defined by the user: one for the data
collect and secondly a set of supports to integrate and compute magnetic pressure to
be exported. The support to collect the data must be imported with the help of the
data supports as it is shown in (b) part of the figure below. The
set of supports to integrate and compute magnetic pressure can be defined by an
extruded compound path, a 2D grid as shown in (a) part of the figure below or
an extruded geometric line in an air region. All the components of the magnetic
pressure are computed with the Maxwell tensor approach on the set of supports and
finally they are projected on the support for the data collect.
Several applications for NVH analysis of axial flux motors, electrical machines with
no-cylindrical air gap or eccentricity studies are now possible. For more
informations about this new feature, see its dedicated documentation by typing in
the dedicated search engine of the Flux user guide the keyword: Generalized
projective method.
As an example, with the new force data collection obtained by this Generalized
projective method in 3D it is now possible to compute axial forces while
using a surrounding box composed of 2D grids (cylindrical and annular) around the
moving part as show below:
Note: The support to compute and integrate the magnetic
pressure shown in (a) part of both figures above must be adapted to the
device geometry to get accurate results.