Mesh import: strategies

Strategies of mesh import

Previous to mesh data import is important to choose a strategy for the import. It is possible:

  • to import a complete geometry of the device, i.e. all its components, the including box and the complete mesh of the study domain
  • to import the geometry and the mesh of only one component or of a part of the device and to complete the description of geometry and mesh in Flux.

The further steps of the project depend on the chosen strategy.

Strategy 1

The first strategy consists in importing the whole study domain. The process of import can be presented as follows:

Stage Description

Preparation of initial file in the origin software:

  • full description of the device geometry
  • addition of an air region or of a box including the device
  • meshing of study domain

Data import into Flux by using the option:

  • with mesh (mesh data import)

Simplification of file:

  • fusion of faces / lines
4 Direct passage to physics

Strategy 2

The second strategy consists in importing a specific meshed part of the device. The process of import can be presented as follows:

Stage Description

Preparation of initial file in the origin software CAD (ex. rotor):

  • description of the geometry of the device part
  • mesh of this part

Data import into Flux by using the option

  • without mesh

Simplification and adjustment of file:

  • fusion of faces / lines
  • positioning of faces

Building in Flux of the rest of the device geometry (ex. stator):

  • geometrical construction of other device parts
  • construction of faces and volumes
  • mesh of the whole computation domain
5 Direct passage to physics
Important: The device parts, added by Flux, do not have to touch the imported geometry (imported parts).

Constraints of Flux software

It is not possible to perform the following operations in an imported geometry containing lines of list edges type and faces of list facets type:

  • modify the imported faces / lines
  • propagate/extrude the imported faces / lines
  • modify the mesh of imported objects; the initial mesh is entirely preserved

Capabilities of Flux software

It is possible to perform the following operations in an imported geometry:

  • build the faces / volumes
  • mesh the faces / volumes using automatic mesh generator

Preparation of initial file

During the preparation of the initial file:

  • you must verify that there is no non-conform mesh (ex: the addition of two parts separately meshed is forbidden)
  • when the periodicity is present, you should perform an identical mesh on the faces concerning the periodicity
Attention: A non-conform mesh in the initial file may generate intersections that cannot be removed.