Spatial supports


A spatial support for results post-processing is a meshed visible region used for the computation and the visualization of usable quantities.

Different types of spatial supports

The spatial supports, easy to handle in the context of the Flux postprocessor, are presented in the table below and detailed in the following paragraphs.

Type Support Description Mesh
point Computation point Any point of the computation domain -
line Path Compound by rectilinear (segment) or curvilinear (arc of circle) sections User-defined discretization (regularly spaced points)
surface Face and face regions Existing geometrical description Existing mesh
Cutting plane Any planar section cutting out the study domain (excepting IB) Mesh realized on the basis of the existing mesh
2D Grid Surface support of rectangular, annular, cylindrical or spherical form User-defined discretization (grid of regularly spaced points)
volume Volume and volume region Existing geometrical description Existing mesh
3D Grid Volume support of parallelepiped, cylindrical or spherical form User-defined discretization (grid of regularly spaced points)

Point support

A point support can be any point of the study domain. In Flux, any point of the study domain can be used as a specific point support. The denomination computation point is used, in order to differentiate this type of point from the geometrical points.

Line support

A line support is a combination of lines in the study domain. In Flux, the lines can be of rectilinear type (segment) or curvilinear (arc of circle). It is also possible to define a line by means of a parametric equation or by selecting a geometric line. This is called multi-section path.

The discretization of a path is a user-defined discretization: computation points are regularly spaced on the line.

Cutting plane

A cutting plane is a user-specified plane section that cuts through the study domain.

The mesh of a cutting plane is a surface mesh, which corresponds to the intersection of the cutting plane with the edges of the volume elements.

Note: During the creation of the cutting plans, specific internal entities (faces, lines and points) respecting the borders between the various regions of the computation domain are generated. These entities, which take the attributes of intersected regions (formulation, color, visibility…), allow the visualization of the cutting plan. These entities are stored in the database. The mesh of a cutting plane is not stored in the database.

A cutting plane stops at the border of the study domain; it does not exceed the infinite box.

2D grid

A 2D grid is a surface post-processing support of rectangular, annular, cylindrical or spherical form, independent of the geometry and mesh.

The discretization of a 2D grid it is a user-defined discretization: computation points are regularly spaced on the surface of the post-processed support.

3D grid

A 3D grid is a volume post-processing support of a parallelepiped, cylindrical or spherical form, independent of geometry and mesh.

The discretization of a 3D grid is a user-defined discretization: computation points are regularly spaced in the volume of this support.