2D Sketcher: modes
Modes of sketcher
The sketcher mode corresponds to whatever function of the sketcher operation is activated (creation, construction, correction…).
The operation of the sketcher is adapted following the activated mode.
By default, at the opening of the Sketcher context, no mode is activated. This state can be called « standard mode».
Identify a mode
An active sketcher mode is identifiable when the following conditions appear:
- its corresponding icon in the tool bar is « pressed »
- the cursor is available during the manipulations on the graphic window and is personalized following the mode.
The «standard mode» is identifiable when the following conditions appear:
- no icon in the task bar is « pressed »
- the
cursor remains the standard arrow:
Out of mode
To exit the sketcher mode and return to the « standard mode »:
- either use the key ESCAPE
- or click right (or more if necessary following the mode)