Re-meshing techniques


The displacement of the moving part determines the modification of the geometry of the modeled device. Consequently, the computation domain must be re-meshed at each time step.

In fact, the re-meshing is necessary if there is an air area (known as compressible) between the fixed part and the moving part. If the parts slip one compared to the other (and if there is no air area between the two), the re-meshing is not necessary.

The different techniques of motion treatment (from a geometry and mesh point of view) are presented summarily in this paragraph and are detailed in the following paragraphs.


The different situations are gathered in the table below.

Displacement in a compressible air area
Translation Rotation Technique

separation of fixed / mobile and compressible part

re-meshing of the compressible area

non-conforming mesh authorized at the level of the dissociation surfaces

Sliding motion along a sliding surface
Translation Rotation Technique

separation of fixed and mobile part

non-conforming mesh authorized at the level of the sliding surfaces