Starts a link.
*beginlink (type, name)
HyperMesh Template Command
Links can be used to tie output blocks together.
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Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Extensions are programs integrated with HyperWorks to enhance or extend the user experience.
Altair Binary Format (ABF) is the standard binary format read by the program. A library called abflib allows you to create files in ABF.
A generic ASCII reader is now available which allows you to bring custom results directly into HyperView. The Altair ASCII format is useful for reading the results of any in-house or propriety codes which are saved in a generic format.
Batch mode allows you perform a series of operations outside the program interface.
External resources can be registered in preference files, session files, or Templex files. If an external resource is registered in a program session, it is automatically registered in the session file when the session is saved.
The HyperWorks Desktop scripting interface is a set of Tcl/Tk commands that follow a simple and consistent syntax.
Translators are utilities that are run from the command line of the operating system to convert various types of files into different formats.
XML commands in the Result Math Module.
Record playback workflows in HyperView.
These provide an overview of all additions, updates, and changes to the HyperMesh APIs for each release.
Details on the core data that can be queried and manipulated.
This API allows external applications to link HyperMesh as a library and provides a limited set of functions and structures to access specific functionality.
FE input readers are C programs that read information from ASCII or binary finite element models files into the HyperMesh database.
Details on the HMASCII format and associated commands.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks Desktop scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
Solver templates are ASCII data files containing HyperMesh Template Language Commands and HyperMesh Template Language Functions.
The HyperMesh Card Image panel is used to define solver specific data and review card information. The format of the cards and the menus in the panel are defined in the export template, using HyperMesh Card Preview Commands.
Starts an accelerometers block.
Adds a block to a link.
Sets the characters of strings which are considered comment lines.
Indicates that the commands following are processed on the *after() level.
Indicates that the commands following are processed on the *aftercollector() level.
Starts an alefsiprojections block.
Starts an alereferencesystemcurves block.
Starts an alereferencesystemgroups block.
Starts an alereferencesystemnodes block.
Starts an alereferencessystemswitches block.
Starts an alesmoothings block.
Starts an aletanktests block.
Starts an analysis block.
Starts an analysis parameter block.
Starts an assembly output block. All the assemblies in the HyperMesh database are output according to the user-defined format in this block.
Starts an attachmentcontrols block.
Starts an attachments block.
Starts an axisymmetries block.
Starts a bag output block.
Starts a beamsectcols block.
Starts a beamsects block.
Indicates that the commands following are processed on the *before() level.
Indicates that the commands following are processed on the *before() collector level.
Starts a link.
Starts a finite difference block output block. All the blocks in the HyperMesh database are output according to the user-defined format in this block.
Starts a bodies block.
Starts a boxes block.
Starts a Control Card output block.
Starts a clearances block.
Sets a unique solver number to be used for identifying attributes.
Starts a collections block.
Starts a collisions block.
Starts a comment block.
Starts a component block.
Changes how real numbers are written to the output deck.
Starts a configurations block.
Starts a connectorgroups block.
Starts a connectorsets block.
Starts a constrainedextranodes block.
Starts a constrainedrigidbodies block.
Starts a constraints block.
Starts a contactsurfs block.
Starts a contactbehaviors block.
Starts a contactgroups block.
Starts a control volume block.
Increments a counter.
Sets the initial value of the global counter.
Creates the table containing merged loads for a loadstep.
Starts a crosssections block.
Starts a curves block.
Starts a damping block.
Defines a dictionary item.
Defines an attribute for a solver.
Defines an entity type alias name for a solver.
Deletes the element mass/thickness table.
Deletes the table containing merged loads for a loadstep.
Starts a dequations output block.
Starts a designpointmethod block.
Starts a designpoint block.
Starts a designpointset block.
Starts a design variable output block.
Starts a dlink output block.
Starts a direct matrix input block.
Starts a dvprel output block.
Determines how to calculate the area of an element.
Starts a elementbehaviors block.
Starts an elementclusters block.
Stores an element value for the current element.
Starts an element block.
Used to define false conditions for an *if() block.
Used to scan for entities in the HyperMesh database.
Starts an encryptions block.
Used to define the end of an *if() block.
Ends a link.
Indicates the end of a block that was initialized with the *loopif() command.
Ends a segment block.
Starts an enginefile block.
Sets the initial value of a specified entity.
Starts an equation output block. The equations in the HyperMesh database with a type equal to the type argument are output according to the user-defined format in this block.
Displays an error message on the menu bar.
Executes a Tcl script from within a template, and optionally calls a procedure defined in the script.
Starts an explorations block.
Starts a failures block.
Places a formatted value from the database into the output file.
Places a left-justified, formatted value from the database into the output file.
Places a left-justified, formatted field name and value from the database into the output file. The field name is written just above the value line.
Places a right-justified, formatted value from the database into the output file.
Places a right-justified, formatted field name and value from the database into the output file. The field name is written just above the value line.
Starts a fields block.
Places a formatted field name and value from the database into the output file. The field name is written just above the value line.
Indicates that the following commands should be executed on the format level.
Starts a freebodygroup block.
Starts a freebodysection block.
Starts a frequency block.
Starts a frequency set block.
Starts a friction block.
Starts a function block.
Starts a geometricrepresentation block.
Overrides the lines option on the Export Data panel and activates lines for output.
Starts a group output block. The groups in the HyperMesh database whose configuration and type are equal to the parameters are output according to the user-defined format in this block.
Starts a feature block.
Starts an hourglass block.
Used to conditionally execute branches of code.
Sets the characters of strings which are ignored as comment lines.
Sets the characters of strings which are ignored as comment lines.
Includes a file from the include directory.
Starts an include file output block. The include file references in the HyperMesh database are output according to the user-defined format in this block.
Starts an integrationrules block.
Starts an interfacecomponents block.
Starts an interfacelinkings block.
Starts a internalsupports block.
Starts a joints block.
Starts a laminate block.
Starts a legends block.
Starts a line output block. All of the lines in the database are output according to the user-defined format in the block following the *lines()command.
Starts a lists block.
Starts a load collector block.
Starts a load output block. The loads in the HyperMesh database whose configuration is equal to the parameter configuration, and whose type is equal to the parameter type are output according to the user-defined format in this block.
Starts a loadsteps output block.
Conditionally executes a block of code while a condition is true.
Marks an element as failed when used in the Check Elements panel (user subpanel).
Starts a mass entity block.
Starts a materialbehaviors block.
Starts a material block.
Starts a mechanismconstraints block.
Starts a mechanisms block.
Starts a memberjoint block.
Starts a memberpanel block.
Starts a member block.
Starts a membersection block.
Starts a membersegment block.
Starts a meshcontrols block.
Starts a metadata output block. All of the metadata entries in the database are output according to the user-defined format in the block following the *metadata() command.
Starts a model check checks block.
Starts a model check corrections block.
Computes the inertia tensor for the global model and store the results into a table.
Starts a modules block.
Starts an nctlayers block.
Starts a node output block. All of the nodes in the database are output according to the user-defined format in the block following the *nodes() command.
Starts a noisecontroltreatments block.
Starts an objectives output block.
Starts an optiresponses output block.
Outputs the data defined in the preceding block.
Starts an outputblocks block.
Specifies whether to output in parameterized or unparameterized format.
Starts an outputrequests block.
Starts a panels block.
Starts a parameters block.
Starts a partset block.
Starts a perturbations block.
Starts a physicalquantity block.
Starts a ply block.
Starts a plotcontrols block.
Starts a plot output block. The plots in the HyperMesh database are output according to the user-defined format in this block.
Sets the initial value of a pointer.
Starts a points output block.
Starts a polycage block.
Populates the element mass/thickness table.
Starts a positions block.
Starts a pretensioners block.
Starts a property block.
Writes a quotation (") character.
Add a number to a list so that ranges can be found with @rangecount(), @rangestart(), and @rangeadd().
Resets the list of numbers stored with *rangeadd().
Sets the number of significant figures after the decimal point for real numbers.
Starts a reference geometry block.
Starts a regions block.
Registers the string to be added before parameter names written in place of parameterized values.
Registers the string to be added after parameter names written in place of parameterized values.
Registers the string to be added in the beginning of the solver comment lines.
Starts a resources block.
Starts a responses block.
Starts a results block.
Starts a resultsimulations block.
Starts a resultsubcases block.
Starts a retractors block.
Ends a function block.
Starts a rigidbodies block.
Starts a rigid wall block.
Scales the width of a field.
Starts a scenarios block.
Starts a seamexcitations block.
Starts a seamjunctions block.
Starts a seamsubsystems block.
Starts a seasubsystems block.
Starts a seatbeltcontrolpoint block.
Starts a seatbelt block.
Starts a section block.
Starts a segment output block.
Starts a sensors block.
Starts a sequences block.
Sets the current collector based on the last *pointerset() command. This is commonly used with loadsteps. You can also use this command with sets that contain components.
Sets the type of entity within a bag for which information is to be queried.
Sets the element configuration corresponding to the ET type specified in the sensor card image.
Sets the export format type for the LS-DYNA profile.
Defines list of ID pools not to be supported by ID Manager.
Defines the list of entity types to be supported by ID Manager.
Starts a set block.
Adds support for segment sets to a template.
Starts a shape3d block.
Starts a shape output block. All the shapes are output according to the user-defined format in this block.
Starts a skeleton block.
Starts a sketch output block. All the sketches are output according to the user-defined format in this block.
Starts a sliprings block.
Starts a smartrules block.
Starts a solvermasses block.
Starts a solverrepresentation block.
Starts a solversettings block.
Starts a solversubmodels block.
Sets the order that elements are output in an *elements() block.
Changes the order that entities are output in the corresponding *entity() block.
Changes the order that loads are output in the *loads() block.
Changes the order that loadsteps are output in a *loadsteps() block.
Sets the order that nodes are output in a *nodes() block.
Sets the order that sets are output in a *sets() block.
Sets an ID pool to ignore incoming IDs for when there is an ID range defined.
Starts a state equations block.
Outputs a string to the output file.
Resets the string lookup table.
Stores an entry into the string lookup table.
Outputs a string field name and string to the output file. The field name is written just above the string line.
Starts a structuralproperty block.
Starts a studies block.
Starts a subsystemconfigurations block.
Starts a subsystems block.
Starts a subsystemsets block.
Starts a surface output block.
Starts a symmetrypivot block.
Starts a system collector output block.
Starts a systems block.
Resets the nth lookup table.
Stores an entry in the nth lookup table.
Resets the lookup table.
Starts a tables block.
Stores an entry in the lookup table.
Starts a termination block.
Starts a block that contains text.
Starts a timestepcontrol block.
Starts a title output block.
Starts a transformations block.
Sets a user variable to a specific value.
Sets a variable to a specific value.
Starts a vector collector output block.
Starts a vectors block.
Resets the vector lookup table.
Stores an entry into the vector lookup table.
Starts a weldline block.
Outputs the Altair geometry database in an internal ASCII format.
Copies the content from an include file to the current output file.
The list of deprecated solver template commands, and the new commands to use.
The list of undocumented solver template commands.
The Script and Model Library is a database of freely accessible scripts and models posted by users and Altair engineers.
Solver templates are ASCII data files containing HyperMesh Template Language Commands and HyperMesh Template Language Functions.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Starts a link.
Starts a link.
*beginlink (type, name)
HyperMesh Template Command
Links can be used to tie output blocks together.
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