Supported File Types
The following file types can be read, depending upon the active application.

Figure 1.
Session Files
A session file is a text file that contains a structured list of statements. The statements include instructions for page layout and window content, such as graphic and plot information. A session file is generated whenever you save a work session. Session files can also be created outside of the program using any text editor or generated from other applications.
Session files have the .mvw default extension.
Session files can be opened in HyperView, MotionView, HyperGraph 2D, HyperGraph 3D, TextView and MediaView.
If you are reading files that are on a different drive than where the session file is saved, HyperWorks Desktop saves the full path.
If the session file is saved on the same drive as the files being read,HyperWorks Desktop saves relative path.
If the session file is saved in the same directory as the file, it saves no path.
Report Templates
Report templates are text files containing structured statements that retain the users reports while they are working. The statements include instructions for page layout and window content, such as graphic and plot information. These files are generated whenever you save a report template.
Report templates have the .tpl default extension.
If you are reading files that are on a different drive than where the report template is saved, HyperWorks Desktop saves the full path.
If the report template is saved on the same drive as the files being read, HyperWorks Desktop saves relative path.
If the report template is saved in the same directory as the file, it saves no path.
Model Files
HyperMesh uses its own proprietary format for HyperMesh database files (.hm), which include geometry, meshing, connectors, loads and forces, materials, and everything else that is necessary to pre-process a model prior to sending it to a solver. HyperMesh Binary Database Files are the primary files used by HyperMesh.
In addition, HyperMesh can import and export connectors, finite element models, geometry, and multiple HyperMesh models, and can also export HyperView 3D (.h3d) files.
MotionView MBD Model Files
MBD model files are files written using the Model Definition Language (.mdl).
Model files can only be opened in MotionView, , using the Open Model icon,
, on
the Standard Toolbar.
HyperView Animation Files
Animation files are used to view and animate simulation results.
Animation files can only be opened in HyperView, , using the Load Model panel.
- Supported animation files:
- Abaqus input (.inp, .pes)
- Abaqus ODB (.odb)
- AcuSolve CFD Result (.log)
- ADAMS gra (.gra)
- ADAMS Result (.res)
- ADAMS SHL (.shl)
- ADVC (.adv)
- Altair G (.g)
- ANSYS 9.0 Result (.rth,.rst and .rmg)
- ANSYS Input (.cdb)
- ANSYS Result (.rth,.rst and .rmg)
- Altair FLX (.flx)
- Altair maf (.maf)
- Altair Mrf (.Mrf)
- CFD Ensight (.encas, .case)
- DADS DEF (.def)
- DADS GMOD (*g.mod)
- DADS bin (.bin)
- DLM or LS-DYNA dynain (*dynain*)
- DYNA DB (.db)
- EDEM DEM (.dem)
- FEMZIP DSY (.fz)
- FEMZIP d3plot (*d3plot*, .fz)
- HW Ascii Result (.hwascii)
- Hyper3D (.h3d)
- HyperMesh Result (.res, .hmres, .hyp)
- LS-DYNA d3plot (*d3plot*, *d3int, *intfor and .ptf)
- LS-DYNA Keyword Input (.k*, .key, .dyn, and .bdf)
- MADYMO fai (.fai)
- MADYMO kin (.kin3, .kn3)
- Marc (.dat)
- Marc t16 (.t16)
- Moldflow Result (.udm)
- Nastran Input (.bdf, and.dat)
- Nastran XDB (.xdb)
- Nastran/OptiStruct OP2 (.op2)
- Nike3D n3plot (*n3plot*)
- PAM-CRASH DSY (.dsy)
- PAM-CRASH HDF5 (.erfh5)
- PAM-CRASH Input (.pc and .dat)
- PAM-CRASH2G Input (.pc and .dat)
- PATRAN Input (.pat)
- Permas Input (*.*)
- Radioss (A) Result (*A001 and .gz)
- OptiStruct (.fem and .parm)
- Radioss Format (*D00 and .RAD)
- Result Module XML (.xml)
- UNV (.unv)
HyperGraph Plot Files
2D plot files are any of the data file formats recognized by HyperGraph and any data file format for which a custom import template has been written.
2D plot files can only be opened in HyperGraph, , using the file folder
button on the Build Plots and Define Curves panels.
- Supported 2D plot files:
- Abaqus Mass from DAT files
- Abaqus ODB (*.odb)
- ASAM ODS Data (*.ATFX)
- AcuSolve Log (*.Log)
- ADAMS Data (*.REQ)
- ADAMS Input Data (*.ADM)
- ADAMS Result (*.RES)
- ADAMS XML Result (*.RES)
- Altair Binary Format (*.abf)
- Column Data (*.dat)
- Comma Separated Values (*.csv, *.CSV)
- DADS Graph (*.BIN)
- DIAdem (*.DAT)
- DIAdem TDM (*.TDM, *.TDMS)
- Exodus Frq (*.frq)
- Exodus II (*.ex2)
- H3D (*.h3d)
- HDF4 (*.HDF*, *.HDF)
- HGDATA (*.hgdata)
- Helioss (*.lst)
- HyperMesh Results (*.res)
- ISO 13499 (*.ISO)
- ISO 6487 (*.iso)
- ISO-MME 13499 (*.MME)
- MotionSolve Plot File (*.plt)
- MotionSolve Result File (*.mrf)
- Nastran OP2 (*.op2)
- Nastran PCH (*.pch)
- Nastran PUNCH (*.pch)
- Nastran f06 (*f06*)
- Nastran/OptiStruct OP2 (*.op2)
- OSASCII CNTF (*.cntf)
- OASCII FORCE (*.force)
- OASCII GPF (*.gpf)
- OASCII OUT (*.out)
- OASCII PRET (*.pret)
- OASCII RENGY (*.rengy)
- OASCII SECRES (*.secres)
- OASCII SPCF (*.spcf)
- PAM-CRASH ERF (*.erfh5)
- Radioss (*T01)
- Radioss THY (*.thy)
- Seam (*.out)
- System Performance Data (*.spd)
- TEM (*.TEM)
- TiemOrbit (*.bus)
- Universal Block 58 (*.UNV)
- Universal Output File (*.XRF)
HyperGraph 3D Plot Files
HyperGraph 3D uses the same file types as HyperGraph.
TextView Text Files
TextView supports ASCII text and HTML files.
Text files are any files containing only ASCII text. While text files can have any extension, they must be ASCII text files.
TextView supported files can only be opened in TextView, ,
using from the menu bar.
MediaView Media Files
Media files are used to view and animate media files. They can only be opened in
MediaView, , using from the menu bar..
- Movie Files
- Altair Movie (*.amf), created using the AMF Builder. This is a modified AVI file with timing information embedded in the file.
- Windows AVI (*.avi, *.AVI). One frame equals one second by default. Unix supports AVI's that are uncompressed or compressed with CINEPAK or MJPEG.
- Windows Media (*.wmv).
- MPEG video (*.mpg, *.mpeg)
- Image Files
- Windows Bitmap (*.bmp, *.dib)
- GIF (*.gif)
- JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
- PCX (*.pcx)
- Tagged Image File Format (*.tif, *.tiff)
- Truevision Targa (*.tga)
TableView Files
TableView supports the CSV (*.csv) file type.