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xyz subpanel (Points panel)

xyz subpanel (Points panel)

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xyz subpanel (Points panel)

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This subpanel creates free points by specifying (x,y,z) coordinates.


A new point is created with x=5, y=5, and z=5, relative to the global coordinate system.

There are several methods for entering the coordinate values:

Type the coordinate values manually into the input boxes.
Populate individual coordinate values using the x, y and z collectors and selecting a node graphically.

When using each of these collectors, the respective x, y, or z coordinate value is copied from the selected node into the corresponding input box.

Populate the coordinate and system values using the as node collector and selecting a node graphically.

This will copy the respective x, y and z coordinate values and the reference system value from the selected node into the corresponding input boxes.


By default, free points are created relative to the global system; however, a local coordinate system can be specified using the system collector. This system can be rectangular, cylindrical or spherical.  However, unlike nodes, free points cannot be assigned a reference system and are therefore not updated to reflect any subsequent changes made to the system.