Context (hwx.inspire.gui)

A context is a GUI action that supports user interaction.

For example it can be used to create the workflow the lets a user create a fastener by selecting two parts.

The context is connected to the GUI by specifying the context class on the parameter of SpriteAction. When the SpriteAction is toggled on, the Context is created (if needed) and activated.

  • onFirstActivate

  • onActivate

  • onDeactivate

  • onExitAccept

  • getActiveContext

  • isactive

Picking: get objects/features to create new objects
  • setPickable

  • onObjectsPicked

  • onObjectPicked

  • onPickListChanged

  • getPickedObjects

  • addPick

  • removePick

  • clearPickList

  • onPicking

  • isolatePicked

Selecting: select objects for editing, popup editor, context menu, …
  • setSelectable

  • selectObjects

  • deselectObjects

  • clearSelectList

  • getSelectedObjects

  • onSelecting

  • onObjectsSelected

  • onSelectionChanged

Pick/Select processing:
  • showPickedHovered

Guide the user
  • showObjectToolTip

  • showHelpMessage

  • showHelpTopic

  • showStatusMessage

  • popupObjectEditor

  • popupManipulators

Object utilities:
  • noteState

  • persistedAttributes

Cursors: set cursor tell the user the ‘state’ of the context
  • setMainCursor

  • setCursor

  • registerCursor

  • waitCursor

Messaging: show text message to tell the user the ‘state’ of the context
  • setHelpTopic

  • showHelpMessage

  • clearHelpMessage

  • showStatusMessage

  • clearStatusMessage

Usage Tracking: send the usage message to the license server
  • reportUsage

  • reportContextUsage

ModelListener methods
  • activateModelListener

  • deactivateModelListener

  • onObjectCreated

  • onObjectDeleted

  • onObjectModified

  • onNewProject

Lower level draw utilities to change how objects are rendered
  • drawHovered

  • drawHighlighted

  • drawUnhighlighted

  • isHighlighed

  • setObjectColor

  • makeModelTransparent

  • setObjectTransparency

  • setVisualizationStyle

Graphics view methods
  • redrawGraphics

  • getViewMatrix

  • fitView

Optimization methods
  • disableColorPicking

Lower level methods to respond to mouse/key signals
  • onKeyPress

  • onKeyRelease

  • onMousePress

  • onMouseRelease

  • onMouseMove

  • onMouseWheel

  • ctrlDown

  • altDown

  • shiftDown


Public Methods

classmethod getActiveContext (cls)

classmethod getContextStack (cls)

classmethod popActive (cls)

classmethod popAll (cls)

classmethod push (cls, name=None, **kwds)

classmethod reportContextUsage (cls, message, contextName=’’)

Destroy (self)

addEventTool (self, tool, before=False)

addPick (self, obj, makePickable=True)

canIsolate (self, objsToIsolate=None)

clearAllLists (self)

clearHelpMessage (self)

clearPickList (self, makeUnpickable=False)

clearSelectList (self, objects=None)

clearStatusMessage (self)

deselectObjects (self, objects=None)

disableColorPicking (self)

drawHighlighted (self, obj=None, highlight=True)

drawHovered (self, obj=None)

drawUnhighlighted (self, obj=None, highlight=False)

filterSelection (self, objects)

fitView (self, obj=None, padded=True)

getIsolatedPick (self)

getObjectsForIsolate (self, objsToIsolate=None)

getPickedObjects (self)

getSelectedObjects (self, beforeChange=False, active=True, **kwds)

getViewMatrix (self)

initializeCounter (self, counterActionName)

isAllowedToExit (self, exitControl)

isHighlighted (self, obj, highlighted=True)

isPickable (self, obj)

isolatePicked (self, forward=True, pickList=None, padded=None)

makeModelTransparent (self, transparent=True, filter=None)

onAboutToExit (self)

onAboutToSave (self)

onActivate (self)

onDeactivate (self)

onExitAccept (self)

onFirstActivate (self)

onKeyPress (self, event)

onKeyRelease (self, event)

onMouseDoubleClick (self, event)

onMouseMove (self, event)

onMousePress (self, event)

onMouseRelease (self, event)

onMouseWheel (self, event)

onNewProject (self)

onObjectCreated (self, obj)

onObjectDeleted (self, obj)

onObjectModified (self, obj, attr)

onObjectPicked (self, obj, why)

onObjectSelected (self, obj)

onObjectsPicked (self, objects, why)

onObjectsSelected (self, objects)

onPickListChanged (self)

onPicking (self, objects)

onSelecting (self, objects)

onSelectionChanged (self)

pop (self, **kwds)

popThisBeforeNewPush (self, contextToBePushed)

popupManipulators (self, obj)

popupObjectEditor (self, obj)

popupObjectEditors (self, obj)

processPickListEvent (self, objects)

redrawGraphics (self, now=False)

registerCursor (self, name, icon, mask=’’, x=1, y=1)

removePick (self, obj, makeUnpickable=False)

reportUsage (self, message)

selectObjects (self, objects=None, clear=True)

setCursor (self, name, ignored=True)

setHelpTopic (self, helpTopic)

setMainCursor (self, icon=None, mask=None, x=1, y=1)

setObjectColor (self, obj, color)

setObjectTransparency (self, obj=None)

setPickable (self, pickable=None, ifvisible=False, style=None, **kwds)

setSelectable (self, selectable=None, ifvisible=True, style=None, **kwds)

setVisualizationStyle (self, style)

showHelpMessage (self, message, details=None, helpTopic=None, movie=None, movieTitle=’’, buttons=(), keys=(), width=None, relativeTo=None)

showObjectToolTip (self, obj=None)

showPickedHovered (self, pickedList, cursor=None)

showStatusMessage (self, msg, ms=None)

unsetCursor (self)

updateCounter (self)

waitCursor (self, message=None)

Property Details

property altDown

Returns True if Alt key is pressed, False otherwise.

property ctrlDown

Returns True if Control key is pressed, False otherwise.

property isactive

Returns True if this is the current active context, False otherwise.

property manipulators

Most recently popped up gui.Manipulators

property metaDown

Returns True if Meta key is pressed, False otherwise.

property modelIsTransparent

Returns True if the model is transparent, False otherwise.

property objectEditorDialog

Most recently popped up gui.ObjectEditorDialog

property persistedAttributes

Return values from the popup editor which are used to create objects

When a user creates an object, it is selected, the popup editor is displayed. We want to use the values he changed in editor when the next object is created.

property shiftDown

Returns True if Shift key is pressed, False otherwise.

property usageMessage

Returns and ses the usage message to be reported when the context gets activated.

Method Details

classmethod getActiveContext(cls)

Returns the current active context.

classmethod getContextStack(cls)

Returns list of pushed contexts.

classmethod popActive(cls)

Removes active context.

classmethod popAll(cls)

Pops all contexts to the idle context.

classmethod push(cls, name=None, **kwds)

Pushs context onto context stack, activates the context.

param name

The name of context to push. Defaults to calling context.

type name


param **kwds

Forwarded to context’s onActivate method


The active context.



classmethod reportContextUsage(cls, message, contextName='')

Reports the usage message to the context.

param message

The message to be reported.

type message


param contextName

The context to send the message to.

type contextName



Destroys this context.

addEventTool(self, tool, before=False)

Add event tool to the context.

param tool

The tool to be added to context.

type tool


param before

Determines whether to add the tool in the beginning of events list.

type before


addPick(self, obj, makePickable=True)

Add the specified object to the PickedList.

param obj

The object to be added to the PickedList.

type obj

Union[Named, Feature, Hole]

param makePickable

Determines whether the object is pickable.

type makePickable


canIsolate(self, objsToIsolate=None)

Determines if the objects can be isolated.

param objsToIsolate

Valid choices are - “selectable” - “picked” - “pickable”

type objsToIsolate



True if the objects can be isolated, False otherwise.




Clears the PickedList and select list.


Undisplays the help message.

clearPickList(self, makeUnpickable=False)

Removes all picked objects from the PickedList.

param makeUnPickable

Determines whether the object is unpickable.

type makeUnPickable


clearSelectList(self, objects=None)

Deselects all the selected objects.

param objects

List of objects to be deselected.

type objects

list[Union[Named, Feature, Hole]]


Removes the message from the status bar if any.

deselectObjects(self, objects=None)

Deselects the specified objects from the selectList.

param objects

List of objects to be deselected.

type objects

list[Union[Named, Feature, Hole]]


Disables color based picking while in this context.

Color based picking is the default for picking objects in the graphics view. It is faster than non-color picking, but it can slow down redrawing of the graphics.

You might want to disable it for contexts that require rapid redraws, like animation.

drawHighlighted(self, obj=None, highlight=True)

Renders objects highlighted to show the user objects of interest.

param obj

The objects to be highlighted.

type obj

list[Union[Named, Feature, Hole]]

param highlight

Determines whether to highlight the objects.

type highlight


drawHovered(self, obj=None)

Draws the object in hover (prehighlight) mode.

It ‘unhovers’ the previous ‘hovered’ from this call.

param obj

The object to be hovered. Defaults to None, and unhovers all objects.

type obj

Union[Named, Feature, Hole]

drawUnhighlighted(self, obj=None, highlight=False)

Render objects highlighted to show the user objects of interest.

param obj

The objects to be highlighted.

type obj

list[Union[Named, Feature, Hole]]

param highlight

Determines whether to highlight the objects.

type highlight


filterSelection(self, objects)

Overload this method to filter selectable objects when selecting from the browser or tables.

param objects

The list of objects to process events.

type objects



False to allow other listeners to process the event. True to block.



fitView(self, obj=None, padded=True)

Fits view to the specified objects.

param obj

Object(s) to fit the view to.

type obj

list[Union[Named, Feature, Hole]]

param padded

The spacing around objects. True means 4.0 for Features and 1.5 for Objects. False means 1.

type padded

bool, float


Returns the isolated object(s).

getObjectsForIsolate(self, objsToIsolate=None)

Returns a list of objects that can be isolated.

param objsToIsolate

Valid choices are - “selectable” - “picked” - “pickable”

type objsToIsolate



The objects that can be isolated.




Returns an ObjectList with the picked objects.

getSelectedObjects(self, beforeChange=False, active=True, **kwds)

Returns an ObjectList with the selected objects.

param beforeChange

Determines whether to just return the current selected objects.

type beforeChange


param active

Determines whether to include only active objects.

type active


param **kwds

Keyword arguments for filtering with isa.


Returns a Matrix44 to convert from world to view coordinates.

initializeCounter(self, counterActionName)

Gets the SpriteCounterAction by this name and automatically manages it.

param counterActionName

The name of the SpriteCounterAction.

type counterActionName


isAllowedToExit(self, exitControl)

Called when the user RightMouse clicks or presses escape.

param exitControl

Valid choices are: - self.RMB_RELEASE - self.ESC_KEY - self.F1_KEY

type exitControl






isHighlighted(self, obj, highlighted=True)

Checks if the specified object is drawn highlighted.

param obj

The objects to be checked.

type obj

list[Union[Named, Feature, Hole]]

param highlighted

if True returns True if all object are highlighted. If False return Trues if any of the objects is highlighted.

type highlighted



True if one or all object are highlighted, False otherwise.



isPickable(self, obj)

Checks if an object is pickable via the PickList or SelectList.

param obj

The object to be checked.

type obj

Union[Named, Feature, Hole]

param filter

The funtion used to filter objects.

type filter



True if the object is pickable, False otherwise.



isolatePicked(self, forward=True, pickList=None, padded=None)

Isolate the next/prev object from the pickList.

Tours the pickList - or the selectable objects, if something is selected. And zooms in on each of the items in the pickList, making that item the only one the user can pick.

param forward

Determines whether to turn off isolation. None turns off isolation.

type forward


param pickList

A PickedList that contains the single or box picked objects.

type pickList


param padded

The spacing around objects. True means 4.0 for Features, 1.5 for Objects. False means 1.

type padded

bool | float

makeModelTransparent(self, transparent=True, filter=None)

Makes pickable/selectable objects stand out by making the rest of the objects transparent.

param transparent

Determines whether to make other objects transparent.

type transparent


param filter

The function used to filter objects.

type filter



Overload if you need to stop processing something when the user tries to exit the application during a long loop, like doing an analysis.


Overload to do something right before Inspire saves an stmod.

If you have a GeneralObject sitting around storing things you don’t want saved in to the stmod, for example.


Overload to initialize your context each time it is activated.


Overload to cleanup your context when it is being deactivated.


Overload to execute code on right mouse button exit.

Return True to prevent the context from being deactivated.


Overload to initialize your context the first time it is activated.

onKeyPress(self, event)

Overload this method to define behaviour when a key is pressed.

param event

The event being processed.

type event


onKeyRelease(self, event)

Overload this method to define behaviour when a key is released.

param event

The event being processed.

type event


onMouseDoubleClick(self, event)

Overload this method to define behaviour on mouse double click.

param event

The event being processed.

type event


onMouseMove(self, event)

Overload this method to define behaviour when mouse moves.

param event

The event being processed.

type event


onMousePress(self, event)

Overload this method to define behaviour when mouse is pressed.

param event

The event being processed.

type event


onMouseRelease(self, event)

Overload this method to define behaviour when mouse is released.

param event

The event being processed.

type event


onMouseWheel(self, event)

Overload this method to define behaviour when mouse wheel is active.

param event

The event being processed.

type event



Overload if you need to clean up when a new model is loaded.

onObjectCreated(self, obj)

Overload if interested when an object is created after ListenForModelChanges is called.

param obj

The event being processed.

type obj


onObjectDeleted(self, obj)

Overload if interested when an object is deleted after ListenForModelChanges is called.

param obj

The event being processed.

type obj


onObjectModified(self, obj, attr)

Overload if interested when an object is modified after ListenForModelChanges is called.

param obj

The event being processed.

type obj


param attr

Name of the attribute that was modified.

type attr


onObjectPicked(self, obj, why)

Called when a pickable object is picked.

This is passed so connector contexts can either:

  • pick 2 features to create the connector: len (self.pickList) == 2

  • pick the same feature twice to connect to ground: why=”inlist”

param objects

A PickedList that contains the single or box picked objects.

type objects


param why

Valid choices are: - “add” - “remove” - “inlist”

type why


onObjectSelected(self, obj)

Called when an object is selected from any view.

Overload this method to process the selectList when object is selected.

param obj

The selected object.

type obj

Union[Named, Feature, Hole]

onObjectsPicked(self, objects, why)

Called when one or more pickable object are picked.

Utility method that calls onObjectPicked for each object in objects. Unless you specify windowing in setPickable it may be easier to overload onObjectPicked instead of this method.

param objects

A PickedList that contains the single or box picked objects.

type objects


param why

Valid choices are: - “add” - “remove” - “inlist”

type why


onObjectsSelected(self, objects)

Called when objects are selected from any view.

param objects

The list of selected objects.

type objects



Called when an object is added to/removed from the pickList.

onPicking(self, objects)

Overloaded in derived context to process a pick event.

Called on any mouse move/press/release if any pickable objects are under the mouse or inside the pick window.

param objects

A PickedList that contains the single or box picked objects.

type objects


onSelecting(self, objects)

Overload this method to process any/all selectList events.

param objects

The list of selected objects.

type objects



False to allow other listeners process the event. True to block.




Overload this method to process the selectList when it changes.

pop(self, **kwds)

Pops context off context stack, deactivating the context.

param **kwds

Forwarded to context’s onDeactivate method

popThisBeforeNewPush(self, contextToBePushed)

Specify if the passed context can be pushed on top of the current one.

By default this returns False unless the contextToBePushed._stackable = True.

Overload to support a custom stack of contexts.

param contextToBePushed

Context about to be pushed.

type contextToBePushed




popupManipulators(self, obj)

Overload to popup 1 or more gui.Manipulators when an object is selected.

param obj

The last selected object.

type obj


popupObjectEditor(self, obj)

Overload to popup a gui.ObjectEditorDialog when an object is selected.

param obj

the selected object.

type obj


popupObjectEditors(self, obj)

Overload this to popup editors when an object of interest is selected.

Editors are ObjectEditorDialog and Manipulator subclasses.

This method defaults to calling popupObjectEditor and popupManipulators so you can optionally implement those instead.

param obj

The last selected object.

type obj


processPickListEvent(self, objects)

Called on any mouse move/press/release from the PickList.

param objects

A PickedList that contains the single or box picked objects.

type objects


redrawGraphics(self, now=False)

Force a redraw of the graphics.

param now

Determines whether to redraw immediately or on idle.

type now


registerCursor(self, name, icon, mask='', x=1, y=1)

Cache cursor for lazy create in setCursor.

param icon

The path to icon file.

type icon


param mask

The cursor mask.

type mask


param x

The x location where to place the cursor.

type x


param y

The y location where to place the cursor.

type y


removePick(self, obj, makeUnpickable=False)

Removes the specified object from the PickedList.

param obj

The object to be removed from the PickedList.

type obj

Union[Named, Feature, Hole]

param makeUnPickable

Determines whether the object is unpickable.

type makeUnPickable


reportUsage(self, message)

Report the usage message within this context.

param message

message to be reported.

type message


selectObjects(self, objects=None, clear=True)

Selects the specified objects, if they are instances of the types specified in setSelectable.

param objects

List of objects to be selected.

type objects

list[Union[Named, Feature, Hole]]

param clear

Determines whether to add the objects to selectList.

type clear


setCursor(self, name, ignored=True)

Set the named cursor if it is not the current one.

param name

The name of the cursor.

Valid choices are: - “” : The default cursor (arrow) - “MAIN” : show the user what context he is in - ‘+’ : show an object that can be added to the PickedList - ‘-’ : show an object that can be removed from the PickedList - ‘+- : show an object that can be toggled (windowMode) - ‘x’ : show an object that is in the PickedList - .png : The name of an icon file - other : The name of a registered cursor

type name


param ignored

For backwards compatibility.

type ignored


setHelpTopic(self, helpTopic)

Sets the help topic to display when F1 is pressed.

param helpTopic

The help topic to display.

type helpTopic


setMainCursor(self, icon=None, mask=None, x=1, y=1)

Sets the cursor to show what context the user is in.

param icon

The path to icon file.

type icon


param mask

The cursor mask.

type mask


param x

The x location where to place the cursor.

type x


param y

The y location where to place the cursor.

type y


setObjectColor(self, obj, color)

Draw the unhighlighted object(s) in the specified color.

param obj

Object(s) to apply the color to

type obj


param color

The color to be applied.

type color

str, list[float]

setObjectTransparency(self, obj=None)

Ensure the transparency of the specfied object is correct or all objects if no object is specified.

param obj

The object to checked for transparency. If it is None, apply to all objects.

type obj

Union[Named, Feature, Hole]

setPickable(self, pickable=None, ifvisible=False, style=None, **kwds)

Specifies the object(s)/types(s) that are pickable.

Picked objects are generally used to specify what is passed to the creation of an object. For example, when creating a motor the user picks two features or a fastener.

When objects are picked the onObjectsPicked method is called.

param pickable

The types/objects that are pickable.

type pickable


param ifvisible

Determines whether to pick only visible objects.

type ifvisible


param style

The picking style.

type style


param **kwds

TogglePickingStyle kwds, i.e., - windowing = True, # override default - filter = None, # standard setPickable filter - attribute = None, # the object attribute to toggle

setSelectable(self, selectable=None, ifvisible=True, style=None, **kwds)

Determines what objects/types can be selected by the user.

Selected objects are generally the objects being created by the context and when the object is created it is selected. By default the selected objects popup an editor and/or manipulators to modify its values.

Objects can be selected from the browser, tables or the graphics view.

param selectable

The types and/or objects that can be selected.

type selectable


param ifvisible

Determines whether to be invisible, when selecting from the graphics view.

type ifvisible


param style

The select style.

type style


param **kwds

Keyword arguments for SelectList.setSelectable.

setVisualizationStyle(self, style)

Internal method to enable context specific rendering.

Supported modes are: - RigidGroupContext

param style

Name of style (rigidgroup).

type style


showHelpMessage(self, message, details=None, helpTopic=None, movie=None, movieTitle='', buttons=(), keys=(), width=None, relativeTo=None)

Puts a text message under the guide bar to inform the user.

param message

The message to be printed.

type message


param details

The longer message that gets displayed when user clicks on message.

type details


param helpTopic str)

The help topic to display when F1 is pressed.

param movie

The path to an animated gif file.

type movie


param movieTitle

The movie title.

type movieTitle


param buttons

A list of pairs (button, text) where button is a string, which contains a combination of LeftButton, MidButton, RightButton, ShiftButton, ControlButton or AltButton.

type buttons


param keys

A list of (key, text) where key is the string name.

type keys


param width

The width of message in pixels.

type width


param relativeTo

The place where to locate the message.

type relativeTo


showObjectToolTip(self, obj=None)

Set tool tip in the graphics window when hovering over an object to let the user know what the object is.

param obj

The object being hovered.

type obj

Union[Named, Feature, Hole]

showPickedHovered(self, pickedList, cursor=None)

Draws the objects hovered and sets the cursor, if there are any objects in the pickedList and hovering.

param pickedList

The list of picked objects.

type pickedList


param cursor

The cursor type.

type cursor



False if pickedList is empty or hovering, True otherwise.



showStatusMessage(self, msg, ms=None)

Shows a message in the status bar.

param msg

The message to be shown.

type msg


param ms

Indicates the miliseconds that the message will stay for.

type ms



Reset the cursor to the default cursor.


Updates the value that the CounterAction shows.

waitCursor(self, message=None)

Python context for displaying a wait cursor.

param message

The message to be displayed in the status bar.

type message
