ModelListener (hwx.inspire.core)¶
Listens to the data model for object creation, modification and deletion.
Public Methods¶
activateModelListener (self, *typesOrObjects)
deactivateModelListener (self)
isModelListenerActive (self)
modelListenerInactive (self)
onObjectCreated (self, obj)
onObjectDeleted (self, obj)
onObjectModified (self, obj, attr)
Method Details¶
- activateModelListener(self, *typesOrObjects)¶
Activates or start listening to the data model and call the handlers, when the specified types are created, destroyed or modified.
- param *typesOrObjects
Types or objects to listen to. Sub classes of Named (Features are not supported).
- type *typesOrObjects
Part, BC, Motor, …
- deactivateModelListener(self)¶
Stops listening for data model changes.
- isModelListenerActive(self)¶
Returns, True if the model listener is active else False.
- modelListenerInactive(self)¶
Context to temporarily disable all the callbacks.
- onObjectCreated(self, obj)¶
Callback method when an object is created.
Reimplement if interested when an object is created.
- param obj
Object that got created. Sub classes of Named (Features are not supported).
- type obj
Part, BC, Motor, …
- onObjectDeleted(self, obj)¶
Callback method when an object is deleted or destroyed..
Reimplement if interested when an object is destroyed.
- param obj
Object that got destroyed. Sub classes of Named (Features are not supported).
- type obj
Part, BC, Motor, …
- onObjectModified(self, obj, attr)¶
Callback method when an object is modified.
Reimplement if interested when an object’s attribute is modified.
- param obj
Object whose attribute got modified. Sub classes of Named (Features are not supported).
- type obj
Part, BC, Motor, …
- param attr
Attribute in the object that got modified. attr can be location, mass, name, …
- type attr