RigidGroup (hwx.inspire.core)

Group of parts which don’t move relative to each other and are realized to motion as a single rigid body.

Rigid groups are mutually exclusive meaning a part can’t be in two at the same time.


active: Bool

ground: Bool

ip: Inertia

mass: Double

name: Attribute

parts: Attribute

visible: Bool


Public Methods

classmethod create (cls, **kwds)

classmethod getClass (cls, className)

add (self, parts)

destroy (self)

discard (self, parts)

getAllChildren (self, type=None, **kwds)

getChild (self, name=None, recursive=False, **kwds)

getChildren (self, type=None, recursive=False, sorted=False, **kwds)

getDependents (self, recursive=False, **kwds)

getReferences (self, recursive=False, **kwds)

isa (self, type=None, filter=None, name=None, wildcard=None, **kwds)

modelPositions (self)

remove (self, parts)

Attribute Details

active : Bool

Returns or sets the object activeness.

Setting this on or off sets all children. Setting to True sets all the parents active too.

ground : Bool

Returns True, if any of the rigid group parts is grounded.

ip : Inertia (units=”massMI”)

mass : Double (units=”m”)

Returns the combined mass of all the parts of the rigid group.

name : Attribute

Returns or sets the name of the object.

It can be any text string, including spaces, although it’s best to avoid using the following characters: ” ‘ * ? and $.

While these characters are allowed, they could create difficulties when you export the model to other applications.

parts : Attribute

List of parts in the rigid group.

visible : Bool

Determines whether the object is visible in the graphics window.

Setting this on or off sets all children. Setting to True sets all the parents visible too.

Property Details

property cg

Returns the center of gravity point of the rigid group.

property position

Returns the position of the center of gravity as a Matrix44.

Method Details

classmethod create(cls, **kwds)

Creates and returns a Rigid Group.

Args: **name (str) : Name of the rigid group. **parts (list[Part]) : Specify a part or list of parts to create rigid group.


Return created rigid group.



classmethod getClass(cls, className)

Returns the class of the object.

It can be simple or qualified (with namespace). If the name is simple, we prepend the cls.namespace.

param className

The class name.

type className

Union[Part, Occurrence, Named..]


The class for the specified className.


Union[Part, Occurrence, Named..]

add(self, parts)

Adds part or parts to the rigid group.

It raises a ValueError if the part already exists in a different rigid group.

param parts

List of part or parts to add into rigid group.

type parts



Delete the object removing it from the model.

The object may come back due to an undo/redo.

discard(self, parts)

Remove part or parts from the rigid group.

param parts

List of part or parts to remove from the rigid group.

type parts


getAllChildren(self, type=None, **kwds)

Returns a list of all children that matches the specified type.

param type

Filter to use to get the children based on object type.

type type


param **kwds

Additional keyword arguments to match other attributes of the object.


The list of children that satisfy the supplied filters.


list[Union[Part, Motor, BoundaryCondition, …]]

getChild(self, name=None, recursive=False, **kwds)

Returns the child of the object which matches the specified unique name.

param name

The name of the child object.

type name


param recursive

Search all descendents.

type recursive


param **kwds

Additional keyword arguments to match attributes of the object.


The child object which satisfies the specified filters.



getChildren(self, type=None, recursive=False, sorted=False, **kwds)

Returns a list of children that is of the specified type.

param type

Filter objects by class.

type type


param recursive

True to get all descendent Parts and Assemblies.

type recursive


param sorted

Sort the children base on id.

type sorted




getDependents(self, recursive=False, **kwds)

Get objects that reference this object through a Reference attribute.

param recursive

type recursive


param **kwds

Filter objects using isa.



getReferences(self, recursive=False, **kwds)

Get objects this object references through a Reference attribute.

param recursive

type recursive


param **kwds

Filter objects using isa.



isa(self, type=None, filter=None, name=None, wildcard=None, **kwds)

Determines if the object matches the specified settings or not.

param type

The type of the object.

type type

Union[Part, Assembly, Contact..]

param filter

Return value of specified callback method.

type filter


param name

Name that matches exactly with object name.

type name


param wildcard

A pattern to match exactly with the object name.

type wildcard


param **kwds

Additional keyword arguments to match other attributes.


True, if a match is found, otherwise False.




Forces all objects to return the original model positions instead of the current analysis positions.

Useful when defining draw methods on GeneralObjects where behaviour is different while animating.

remove(self, parts)

Remove part or parts from the rigid group.

It raises a ValueError if the part does not exists in this rigid group.

param parts

List of part or parts to remove from the rigid group.

type parts
