Tutorial: Polymer Solid Extrusion
Learn about the Inspire Extrude Interface, set up and complete a solid profile extrusion analysis, and post-process the results for interpretation.
Open the Tutorial Model
Orient the Model
Extract Flow Volume
Delete Unwanted Solids
Orient the model such that selecting solids is easy.
Select solids which belong to Flow Volume and hide them by pressing
Delete the remaining solids.
- Press A to reveal the remaining solids.
Hold CTRL and select multiple solids on the exterior of
the model.
Press H to hide the selected solids.
Select Materials
Specify Process Data - Inlet
Click the Inlet icon.
Zoom in to the inlet region of the polymer melt and select the inlet face.
Specify the inlet conditions.
Organize Solids into Polymer Layers
Create Profile Solids
Delete Die Assembly Solids
Save the Model
Submit the Job for Simulation
Click the Run Analysis icon.
Specify parameters for the analysis process.
- Click Run.
Monitor Job Status
Interpret Out File Data
- Out file: This is an ASCII file, which helps to verify the input data and gives a quick overview of the result.
- H3D File: This is a Binary file with detailed results.
View Simulation Results