Tutorial: Run Using Existing Mesh

Submit a run starting with an existing mesh file.

  • The mesh file units should be in meters.
  • The part names should match the names of the geometry parts in Inspire RTM with 3D suffixed. For example, if the geometry part is spoiler, then the mesh part is spoiler3D.
  • The mesh file should contain only the meshed components.

Open the Tutorial Model

Data files are available in the tutorial_models folder in the installation directory in Program Files\Altair\2022\InspireExtrude2022.2\tutorial_models\rtm\tutorial-2\.

Open the spoiler.irtm tutorial model file.

The model has three parts: spoiler, support1, and support2.

The Inlet and Vent BCs are already applied.

Submit the Job for Simulation

  1. Click the Analysis icon.

  2. Specify the parameters of the analysis process.
    Select the Existing option under Mesh Size, and browse to spoiler_mesh.bdf in this tutorial folder.

  3. Click Run.