CAD Interface 2022.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh


Updated Version Support (Readers)
  • Catia V5-6 R2022 (R32)
  • Catia 3D Experience R2022X
  • Inspire 2021.2 & 2022
  • JT 11.0
  • NX 1980 (Native & Third party)
  • NX 2007 (Native & Third party)
  • Parasolid 34.1.188
  • Solidworks 2022
Updated Version Support (Writers)
  • JT 10.7
  • Parasolid 34.1.188
  • Inspire 2021.2, 2022

*setoption and hm_getoptions API supports all cad import and export options.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue related to Timeout for JT files.
  • Fixed issues from parts scaling for JT files.

Known Issues

  • In HyperWorks 2022.1, CAD import using a third party CT based reader (ACIS, Catia, Creo, Inventor, NX third party, Solidworks, and Step formats) and CAD export for STEP format is not supported if the Linux GLIBC library is lower than version 2.28.