Altair HyperGraph 2022.2 Release Notes


New Features

Shade Style: Between Curves
A new shade style, Between Curves, added to the Plot Browser's Entity Editor.

Known Issues

  • For HWC, the application can freeze if you open a file browser by clicking in the HWC Intellisense pop-up window. Changing the focus two times using ALT+Tab restores the application. This only happens when you start HyperView on Windows and then switch to another client, such as HyperGraph.

Resolved Issues

  • Potato plots not working in HyperWorks HyperGraph.
  • Stack math empty mapping list issue.
  • Handling units with ISO MME data.
  • dB scale issues for octave plots.
  • Datum line issues with dB scale.
  • Plotting total mass with GLSTAT file.
  • Improved Seam reader performance.
  • Changing curve properties executes the Autofit option.
  • Reading mass from Radioss *.out files plots the wrong value.
  • Issue related to Report layers on saved session files.
  • The y-axis, when set to the dB20 scale, with a weighting factor (1e-11) and applied through the Entity Editor, always shows zero.
  • From the Build Plots dialog, unable to add any text as the x-axis label using Plot Options.
  • Bar chart category label issue when using the Stack style.
  • The file path characters change from uppercase to lowercase when loading any file using Open Recent.
  • API for setting cell data is slow.
  • Idle mode shortcuts are not working.


New Features

Customized File Menus
Customized client-specific entries in the “File” menu can be created. By referencing filemenu.xml files in the root extension.xml file, you can load client-specific plugin features.

Figure 1.


Unloading of Extensions
Extensions are now unloaded without the need to restart. The customized ribbons, drop-down menus, and toolbars are no longer visible.
Initialization of glocal Tcl scripts
In 2022.1, the initialization of client-specific Tcl scripts was introduced. In 2022.2 this is enhanced with the initialization of global Tcl scripts in the global section of the extension.xml file, which allows you to load procedures available for all clients/profiles.

Figure 2.

Resolved Issues

  • The error handling of corrupt XML files has been improved.

Known Issues

  • The newly added customized file menus will not be unloaded and are still visible. The unloading of these file menus will be supported in HyperWorks 2022.3.