PAM-CRASH 2G Interface 2022 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

PAM-CRASH Solver Version 2021
The latest new Pamcrash2G2021 solver profile is now supported.
Export Solver Deck
New context menu option Export Solver Deck available for all solver entities in the browsers (Model, Entity View, Solver). Export selected entities and all their references directly to a solver deck.
New Friction Entity
Keywords FRICT and FRITAB are now supported as a dedicated Friction entity type and moved out from the Property entity type. Also, the assignment of the friction entity is enabled in the PAM-CRASH Contact and Slipring keywords.
New Keywords


Friction Entity Selection
The assignment of the friction entity is enabled in the PAM-CRASH contact and slipring keywords; this is after FRICT and FRITAB keywords mapped to new Friction entity type.
Removed Solver Profiles
Legacy PAM-CRASH solver profiles Pamcrash2G2012, Pamcrash2G2013, and Pamcrash2G2014 are removed. Templates are available only in the installation; however, they are no longer maintained.
Updated Keywords