Create Derived Load Cases

The File Loader allows you to import results from native load cases, in the HyperMesh data base, as well as via Load Combination file, to create derived load cases in the form of linear super-position and/or envelope. Use the Derived Load cases tool for the creation of these derived load cases.

From the menu bar, click Aerospace > Results > Derived Load Cases.

Load cases are available to select and move to the right-side of the tool to combine them based on the following:

Figure 1. Linear Superposition

Figure 2. Envelope
Envelope can be either min, max, or extreme and it requires, where available, the definition of the relevant metric, for quantities such as vector and tensor.

Figure 3.

Each newly created derived load case (DLC) is appended to the list and can be reviewed by clicking the review icon. DLCs are then available in all of the other result tools.

For envelopes, the complete data type is stored based on the data component metric. In other words, a DLC created as an envelope among load cases based on Stress: von Mises, max will store the complete tensor state which for each entity leads to the max von Mises value. In this case, only the required data type is stored, and no other data types are available.

Figure 4.