Midsurface Thickness Assignment Behavior

Common and solver interface specific behavior for assigning thicknesses to the midsurface.


Organize only
  • Creates new components based on the Organization method.
  • Organizes elements into these components.
  • Creates a contour of the thickness values of nodes and elements, based on the specified options.
  • If you chose Properties on elements, Properties/Sections on components, or Organize only under the Assign thickness to option, HyperMesh honors the Organization method settings during the contour process and the contour value is assigned based on that organization. This allows the contour to match with the applied results.
  • If you chose Elements or Properties/Sections on components for the Assign thickness to option, and choose to use Nodal values for the Thickness calculation method, the values may not exactly match the nodal values that are actually applied. There can be multiple thicknesses associated to a node if it shares an edge with multiple surfaces. Since HyperMesh can only provide one value for the contour, it always chooses the first value which might not match exactly with the applied values in these situations.


Nodes, properties on elements
  • Creates a single property named tNodalThickness.
  • Creates a single node set named tNodalThickness with Nodal_Thickness card image.
  • Assigns the property to the selected 2D elements.
  • Adds the relevant nodes to the node set.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each node using attribute ThicknessValue.
Nodes, properties on components
  • Creates a single property named tNodalThickness.
  • Creates a single node set named tNodalThickness with Nodal_Thickness card image.
  • Assigns the property to the selected components.
  • Adds the relevant nodes to the node set.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each node using attribute ThicknessValue.
  • Clears any element property references for any 2D elements in the selected components.


Properties/Sections on components – nodal values
  • Creates new components based on ordered nodal thickness values.
  • Creates new properties and sections based on ordered nodal thickness values. Properties are created for those shell elements where thickness is assigned from properties. Shell sections are created for those shell elements where thickness is assigned from shell sections.
  • Assigns the properties or shell sections to the corresponding components.
  • Assigns multiple thicknesses to each property, using real values. In case of shell sections, only one thickness will be assigned.
  • Organizes elements into the corresponding components.
Properties/Sections on components – all others
  • Creates new components based on the Organization method.
  • Creates new properties or shell sections based on the Organization method. Properties are created for those shell elements where thickness is assigned from properties. Shell sections are created for those shell elements where thickness is assigned from shell sections.
  • Assigns the properties or shell sections to the corresponding components.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each property or shell section based on the Thickness calculation method, using real values.
  • Organizes elements into the corresponding components.


  • Assigns multiple thicknesses to each element, based on the nodal thickness values for that element.
    • For tria3 elements, uses attributes: Elem_Option, LSD_ELEM_T1, LSD_ELEM_T2, LSD_ELEM_T3
    • For quad4 elements, uses attributes: Elem_Option, LSD_ELEM_T1, LSD_ELEM_T2, LSD_ELEM_T3, LSD_ELEM_T4
Properties/Sections on components
  • Creates new components based on the Organization method.
  • Creates new properties/sections based on the Organization method.
  • Assigns the properties/sections to the corresponding components.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each properties/sections based on the Thickness calculation method, using property attribute LSD_T1.
  • Organizes elements into the corresponding components.


Properties on components
  • Creates new components based on the Organization method.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each property based on the Thickness calculation method, using component attribute T.
  • Organizes elements into the corresponding components.


  • Assigns multiple thicknesses to each element, based on the nodal thickness values for that element.
    • For tria elements, uses attributes: CTRIA3_T1T2T3, CTRIA3_T1, CTRIA3_T2, CTRIA3_T3, CTRIA3_ZOFFS [if requested], ZOFFS [if requested]
    • For quad elements, uses attributes: CQUAD4_T1T2T3T4, CQUAD4_T1, CQUAD4_T2, CQUAD4_T3, CQUAD4_T4, CQUAD4_ZOFFS [if requested], ZOFFS [if requested]
  • Turns off the TFLAG option when necessary.
Properties/Sections on components
  • Creates new components based on the Organization method.
  • Creates new properties/sections based on the Organization method.
  • Assigns the properties/sections to the corresponding components.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each properties/sections based on the Thickness calculation method, using property attribute PSHELL_T.
    • For tria elements, uses z-offset attributes [if requested]: CTRIA3_ZOFFS, ZOFFS
    • For quad elements, uses z-offset attributes [if requested]: CQUAD4_ZOFFS, ZOFFS
  • Organizes elements into the corresponding components.
  • Clears any element property references for the selected elements.
Properties on elements
  • Creates new properties based on the Organization method.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each property based on the Thickness calculation method, using property attribute PSHELL_T.
    • For tria3 elements, uses z-offset attributes [if requested]: CTRIA3_ZOFFS, ZOFFS
    • For quad elements, uses z-offset attributes [if requested]: CQUAD4_ZOFFS, ZOFFS
  • Assigns the properties to the corresponding elements.


  • Assigns multiple thicknesses to each element, based on the nodal thickness values for that element.
    • For tria elements, uses attributes: CTRIA3_T1T2T3, CTRIA3_T1, CTRIA3_T2, CTRIA3_T3, CTRIA3_ZOFFS [if requested], ZOFFS [if requested]
    • For quad elements, uses attributes: CQUAD4_T1T2T3T4, CQUAD4_T1, CQUAD4_T2, CQUAD4_T3, CQUAD4_T4, CQUAD4_ZOFFS [if requested], ZOFFS [if requested]
Properties/Sections on components
  • Creates new components based on the Organization method.
  • Creates new properties/sections based on the Organization method.
  • Assigns the properties/sections to the corresponding components.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each properties/sections based on the Thickness calculation method, using property attribute PSHELL_T.
    • For tria elements, uses z-offset attributes [if requested]: CTRIA3_ZOFFS, ZOFFS
    • For quad elements, uses z-offset attributes [if requested]: CQUAD4_ZOFFS, ZOFFS
  • Organizes elements into the corresponding components.
  • Clears any element property references for the selected elements.
Properties on elements
  • Creates new properties based on the Organization method.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each property based on the Thickness calculation method, using property attribute PSHELL_T.
    • For tria elements, uses z-offset attributes [if requested]: CTRIA3_ZOFFS, ZOFFS
    • For quad elements, uses z-offset attributes [if requested]: CQUAD4_ZOFFS, ZOFFS
  • Assigns the properties to the corresponding elements.


  • Assigns a single thickness at the element level based on the Thickness calculation method.
    • Uses element attribute ELEM_THK
Thickness on components
  • Creates new components based on the Organization method.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each component based on the Thickness calculation method, using component attribute MAT_THK.
  • Organizes elements into the corresponding components.


Properties/Sections on components – Nodal values
  • Creates new components based on ordered nodal thickness values.
  • Creates new properties/sections based on ordered nodal thickness values.
  • Assigns the properties/sections to the corresponding components.
  • Assigns multiple thicknesses to each properties/sections, using property attributes: ThicknessSelEnumField, Thick_value_shell1, Thick_value_shell2, Thick_value_shell3, Thick_value_shell4
  • Organizes elements into the corresponding components.
Properties/Sections on components – all others
  • Creates new components based on the Organization method.
  • Creates new properties/sections based on the Organization method.
  • Assigns the properties/sections to the corresponding components.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each properties/sections based on the Thickness calculation method, using property attributes: ThicknessSelEnumField, Thick_value_shell1
  • Organizes elements into the corresponding components.


  • Assigns a single thickness at the element level based on the Thickness calculation method.
    • Uses element attribute THICK.
Properties/Sections on components
  • Creates new components based on the Organization method.
  • Creates new properties/sections based on the Organization method.
  • Assigns the properties/sections to the corresponding components.
  • Assigns a single thickness to each properties/sections based on the Thickness calculation method, using property attribute THICK.
  • Organizes elements into the corresponding components.