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Altair HyperLife 2022.3 Release Notes

New Features

Stress Gradients Correction
Stress gradients correction has been added based on FKM guidelines. It is supported for both shells and solid elements.
For solid elements, the stress gradients correction is only available with Nodal Evaluation. For shell elements, the stress gradients correction is only available with Elemental evaluation.
The Stress gradients correction is supported for SN/EN Uniaxial and Multiaxial with Time Series loading. It is currently not supported for FOS, Weld, Transient, and Vibration Fatigue analyses.
To activate Stress gradients correction based on the FKM guideline method, Stress Gradient should be set to FKM Guideline in the SN/EN tool. The equivalent stress method to calculate stress gradient should be specified.
Limitations: for solid elements, stress gradients evaluation currently uses first layer only along depth for the gradient calculation. Due to this, relative stress gradients are calculated incorrectly for models with element size greater than 1 mm in thickness direction. This limitation will be addressed and enhanced in the upcoming release.
Gate Support for Load History Compression in Modal Superposition and Transient Response Loading
Gating option to remove small cycles (defined by a gate value) and intermediate points is supported for Modal Superposition and Transient response loading. You can enter the Max gate range in the Load Map tool.
Damage and Scaled Life Output for All layers
Damage and Life output is enabled for all the layers in a shell model. You can enable this option in the Evaluate tool > Advance Options > Output > Output All Layers.
Output for Random Response Analysis (RMS Stress) with FRF and PSD Stress Loading
RMS Stress output is enabled by default while performing Random Fatigue analysis (with FRF stress and PSD Loading). You can contour RMS stress in the Results Explorer.


Updated Random Fatigue with FRF Stress and PSD Loading Workflow
Refreshed and enhanced workflow for Random Fatigue with FRF stress and PSD loading. User options are provided to scale the Complex stress with input real and imaginary coefficient.
Plot Model Superposition Results
Model Superposition results can be plotted on HyperView with FEM file and HWASCII file combination.
Set Cyclic Limit of Endurance to 1000
Cyclic limit of endurance (NC1) can be set to 1000. The earlier limitation of NC1 > 1000 is has been addressed.

Resolved Issues

  • Block load import and export issue on Load Map tool has been resolved.
  • The issue with Safety Factor reported as Damage in callouts has been resolved.
  • The issue with Modal Superposition session file (HLF file) not retaining the Events and Damage matrix has been resolved.

Known Issues

  • There is a known issue with estimate SN curve from UTS in the Material tool where the Stress type = Range is not being updated and the tool considers it as Amplitude based curves. The input curve is an Amplitude based curve. This issue will be fixed in the upcoming release.
  • The default SN curves provided for Spot Weld are supposed to be Range based curves. The Material tool plots and inputs it as Range based curves. Considering this, recreate the material as Range based while using this curve. This issue will be resolved in the upcoming release.
  • The File Open dialog doesn’t load DYNA – D3PLOT files. As a workaround, drag-and-drop the file into the modeling window. This issue will be addressed in the upcoming release.
  • With Modal superposition as the loading type, there is a known issue where Max Gate Range is deactivated with manual Event creation and adding user selected modes. This issue will be fixed in the upcoming release.

Altair HyperLife 2022.2 Release Notes

New Features

Strain History Output
Strain history can be output with EN analysis for a user defined set. The Advanced Options in the Evaluate tool is enhanced to reference a user defined Set or CSV file to output Stress or Strain histories in RSP format.
Enhanced Stress Strain History Output with Critical Plane
Stress and Strain history can be output for all the planes considered when stress combination approach is set to Critical Plane for both SN and EN analysis. The Advanced Options in the Evaluate tool is enhanced to reference a user defined Set or CSV file to output Stress or Strain histories in RSP format.
Event-wise Output in CSV Format
Damage results is output in CSV format for a user define set. The Advanced Options in the Evaluate tool is enhanced to reference a user defined Set or CSV file to output Event-wise Damage summary.
Evaluation Progress Bar in UI
Evaluation progress and summary of entities evaluated is displayed in the UI in the bottom left corner. This dynamic display can be used to understand the run progress after the job submission.
Common Preference Options
The Preferences (File > Preference) UI has been enhanced to expose General and other HyperView setting options for user modifications.
Static Failure Control Options for Stress Life Analysis
Static failure options are available under Advanced Options in the Evaluate tool. Available options are CONT, NOCHK, and STOP for SN curve as well as HAIGH diagram material model.
  • CONT: SN curve modified based on static failure check.
  • NO CHK: don’t check static failure.
  • STOP: stop evaluation of the fatigue event if static failure is reached.
Safety Factor Output Based on Constant Stress Ratio
Safety Factor output when stress ratio is constant (Stress Ratio = Constant) is available with Single and Multi Haigh diagram material models.


  • Menu options to specify Multi SN Curve Extrapolation and Multi Haigh Interpolation method is moved to the Evaluate tool under Advanced Options.
  • Material imports limitations when SR1 value lesser than UTS has been removed.
  • The run setup XML file is written in the working directory at the beginning of Fatigue evaluation. With this update, the XML file is written in the working directory as soon as the you click Run in the Evaluate tool.
  • Run Status UI has been updated to display a text message under Status instead of a static image to indicate the run progress.
  • Max Strain Value (MXLMSTRN) is exposed in the Material tool for Strain Life Uniaxial Analysis.

Resolved Issues

  • The user-defined Material XML file has been updated to incorporate the Others tab in the Material tool so that extra EN material parameters are retained on subsequent sessions.
  • Abaqus sets can now be imported in HyperLife.
  • Mean stress correction now works with Abaqus ODB.
  • The issue with mean stress correction while considering static subcase in Random fatigue has been resolved. User messages are issued to indicate missing element stress in any selected parts.
  • The Number of Processors can now be modified in the GUI.
  • User Sets created in the Model Browser now show in the Material tool.
  • Language and Recent Files now show in Preferences.
  • The issue with wrong Strain amplitude being reported when the Strain amplitude exceeded Max Stain in EN uniaxial is resolved.

Altair HyperLife 2022.1 Release Notes

New Features

Haigh Diagram for Material Model
Haigh diagram can be input for material model in SN Uniaxial and Multiaxial analysis. The material tool is enhanced to input Haigh diagram as manual entry and table import. You can input stress as Stress-Amplitude, Stress-Range or Max stress. The evaluation results are output as Safety Factor.
Multi Curve for Material Model
The release enables input of Multi curve for the fatigue material model in SN Uniaxial and Multiaxial analysis.
  • SN Mean Multi-curve: The material tool is enhanced to input material curves for multiple mean-stress values as manual entry and table import. You can input stress as Stress-Amplitude, Stress-Range or Max stress. The input curves can be slope-intercept or XY data format.
  • SN R-ratio Multi-curve: The material tool is enhanced to input material curves for multiple stress ratios(R) as manual entry and table import. You can input stress as Stress-Amplitude, Stress-Range or Max stress. The input curves can be slope-intercept or XY data format.
  • SN Haigh Multi-curve: The material tool is enhanced to input material curves for representing multi Haigh diagrams as manual entry and table import. You can input stress as Stress-Amplitude, Stress-Range or Max stress. XY data format is supported to input Haigh diagram.
Material curve for multiple Stress ratio
SN curves corresponding to different stress ratios can be input on the material tool. The material tool is enhanced to indicate the stress ratio(R) of the input SN material curve. With this enhancement, HyperLife is supporting material curves originating from pulsating tension or compression tests.
Graphical load comparison
The load time histories within an event or across events can now be overlayed on a plot window for visual inspection. When the input channel type is Time series, you can select channels of interest and view an overlayed graphical representation.


Extrapolation of PSD Curve
For the Random Fatigue calculation (for input loading type: PSD and FRF stresses), you can choose the extrapolation scheme when an x-value input is outside the range of x-values specified on the table. The material tool is enhanced to pick true or false options.
Indicate top and bottom layers in Shell elements
The SN and EN tool input options are enhanced to indicate the top and bottom layers in shell elements output by FEA.
Material XML File
The material file can now be exported and imported in XML format on material tool.
Import and Export on Loadmap Tool
The import and export UI options for Duty Cycle file (*.dcy), HyperLife Load map file (*.xml) and Event mapper file (*.csv) are all moved to a common location on the Loadmap tool.

Resolved Issues

  • The issue with sets originating from Abaqus solver profile not being imported in HyperLife is resolved.
  • Mean stress correction for Random Fatigue with Abaqus ODB is resolved and working as intended.
  • The issue with mean stress correction for Random Fatigue while considering a static subcase is resolved and working as intended.
  • Load history plot graphical performance issue has been resolved.
  • The Spot weld input options in the Weld tool have been enhanced to input spot weld length units. The issue with incorrect results when spot length units is other than in millimeters is resolved.

Altair HyperLife 2022 Release Notes

Resolved Issues

  • LSDYNA D3PLOT files with additional characters in the file extension can be imported in HyperLife.
  • The issue with Shear Fatigue Strength coefficient value not being considered for calculation has been resolved.

Known Issues

  • There is an issue (Application error) while plotting results with three result entities: Damage, Life, and Scaled Damage/Life. This issue is random in nature and is being investigated. This issue will be fixed in the upcoming release.
  • There is an issue with Modal Superposition having multi-events producing incorrect results. The application may also crash while re-runing the model. This issue will be fixed in the upcoming release.